Yearly Archives: 2015

Is This Terry Dwyer ?

The answer is yes.

This photo of Terry Allen has just been positively identified as being of Terry Dwyer.


by | March 13, 2015 · 2:46 pm

Terry Dwyer, AKA Terry Allen ?


The defendant in the case was a chap called Terry Dwyer, who was in the dock for allowing cannabis to be smoked in a dodgy club he ran in Coltman Street, west Hull, until a police raid shut the place down.

The Lord Fox was an illegal drinking den, complete with massage facilities and a sling room where punters could be strung up from a metal frame chained to a wall.

Outside the court, Dwyer was a chatterbox.

He not only agreed to give me a guided tour of the club where he offered to sell me a giant wooden sauna housed in a first-floor room, but he also happily boasted about his time in London supplying rent boys to Harvey Proctor.

Hull Daily Mail

News of the World 1987 from Spotlightonabuse


Filed under Abuse, News, Politics

Terry Dwyer And Harvey Proctor

Many thanks to GW.


Coltman Street


A few months later, Proctor’s name cropped up again during a trial I was covering at Beverley Crown Court.

The defendant in the case was a chap called Terry Dwyer, who was in the dock for allowing cannabis to be smoked in a dodgy club he ran in Coltman Street, west Hull, until a police raid shut the place down.

The Lord Fox was an illegal drinking den, complete with massage facilities and a sling room where punters could be strung up from a metal frame chained to a wall.

Outside the court, Dwyer was a chatterbox.

He not only agreed to give me a guided tour of the club where he offered to sell me a giant wooden sauna housed in a first-floor room, but he also happily boasted about his time in London supplying rent boys to Harvey Proctor.

Two months earlier, the MP had pleaded guilty to four acts of gross indecency with two rent boys, who were aged 17 and 20 at the time.

Hull Daily Mail


Filed under Abuse, News, Politics

The CSA Inquiry Panel Members


Chair – Justice Lowell Goddard (Lawyer with human rights background worked for UN.)

Advisor – Ben Emmerson (Lawyer with human rights background worked for UN.)

Panel – Malcolm Evans (Lawyer with human rights background worked for UN.)

Panel – Ivor Frank – (Lawyer with human rights background.)

Panel- Drusilla Sharpling – (Lawyer)

Panel – Professor Alexis Jay – (Former Senior Social Worker)

Does the panel have all the necessary skill-sets for a successful Inquiry ? 

Or do you think it needs more Human Rights lawyers, preferably reliable people that have worked with the UN ?


Filed under Abuse, News

How Many Lawyers Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?

Answer:  Whereas the party of the first part, also known as “Lawyer”, and the party of the second part, also known as “Light Bulb”, do hereby and forthwith agree to a transaction wherein the party of the second part (Light Bulb) shall be removed from the current position as a result of failure to perform previously agreed upon duties, i.e., the lighting, elucidation, and otherwise illumination of the area ranging from the front (north) door, through the entryway, terminating at an area just inside the primary living area, demarcated by the beginning of the carpet, any spillover illumination being at the option of the party of the second part (Light Bulb) and not required by the aforementioned agreement between the parties.   The aforementioned removal transaction shall include, but not be limited to, the following steps:

  1. The party of the first part (Lawyer) shall, with or without elevation at his option, by means of a chair, step, stool, ladder or any other means of elevation, grasp the party of the second part (Light Bulb) and rotate the party of the second part (Light Bulb) in a counter-clockwise direction,this point being non-negotiable.
  2. Upon reaching a point where the party of the second part (Light Bulb) becomes separated from the party of the third part (“Receptacle”), the party of the first part (Lawyer) shall have the option of disposing of the party of the second part (Light Bulb) in a manner consistent with all applicable state, local and federal statutes.
  3. Once separation and disposal have been achieved, the party of the first part (Lawyer) shall have the option of beginning installation of the party of the fourth part (“New Light Bulb”). This installation shall occur in a manner consistent with the reverse of the procedures described in step one of this self-same document, being careful to note that the rotation should occur in a clockwise direction, this point also being non-negotiable.


Filed under Personal

Four CSA Inquiry Panel Members Announced

Drusilla Sharpling, Professor Alexis Jay, Ivor Frank and Malcolm Evans.

House of Commons: Written Statement (HCWS371)

Home Office Written Statement made by: The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May) on 12 Mar 2015.

Statutory Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

On 4 February 2015 I made a statement to the House announcing my intention to appoint Justice Lowell Goddard to head the Independent Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry, and that I would be disbanding the former Inquiry and would be setting up a new statutory inquiry under the 2005 Inquiries Act. I am pleased to be able to confirm today the setting up of the statutory Independent Inquiry in to Child Sexual Abuse, Justice Goddard’s appointment as Chairman and the appointment of the Panel to the Inquiry.

Justice Goddard appeared before the Home Affairs Select Committee in a pre-appointment hearing on 11 February. The Committee subsequently published a report unanimously endorsing her appointment and making a number of recommendations. I will be writing to the Committee today with the Government response to that report.

From today, Thursday 12 March 2014, the Inquiry will be set up with statutory powers to compel witnesses to determine whether State and non-State institutions have taken seriously their duty of care to protect children from sexual abuse within England and Wales.

Having heard the concerns of survivors that the appointment of the former Panel was not transparent, we published the criteria for appointing the Panel online. This can be found at A copy was also placed in the House Library. The criteria were based on skills, expertise and due diligence and included the need for objectivity and professionalism. We were also explicit that Panel members should have no direct links to key institutions or individuals reasonably likely to be covered by the Inquiry.

We considered all nominations for membership of the Panel, those who expressed interest in being on the Panel and those who were nominated as part of the process to appoint a Chairman. In consultation with Justice Goddard, I have decided to appoint four Panel members, who have the range of skills and expertise required to take forward and lead the important work of the Panel in supporting the Chairman. The Panel members chosen are those who were assessed as most strongly matching these criteria. A statement of assessment against the criteria for each Panel member will be published, along with their conflict of interest declaration, on the Inquiry website in due course.

I have consulted Justice Goddard and I am pleased to be able to confirm today, that the Panel will consist of Drusilla Sharpling, Professor Alexis Jay, Ivor Frank and Malcolm Evans. Together, these individuals will represent a wide range of experience and expertise. Drusilla Sharpling is a qualified barrister with expertise in both policing and the Crown Prosecution Service; Professor Alexis Jay has expertise in social work and led the important work on the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham; Ivor Frank has extensive experience in family and human rights law, and expertise in child protection matters; Malcolm Evans is Chairman of the United Nations Subcommittee for the Prevention of Torture and professor of Public International Law at the University of Bristol. Malcolm also brings with him a Welsh perspective, which survivors have called for. In addition, the Panel will be informed by a number of expert advisers in the fields of health, education, and a psychologist with expertise in this sensitive area. All Panel members will be formally appointed subject to their conflict of interest declarations and the appropriate security checks.

I also said I would review the Terms of Reference for the Inquiry in light of feedback from survivors. I have consulted with Justice Goddard and have agreed with her the final Terms of Reference which will also be placed in the House Library today and published on the Inquiry website. The two most important changes are the removal of any cut-off date for the work of the Inquiry and, reflecting the importance of survivors to the Inquiry, the explicit statement that survivors will be able to bear witness to the Inquiry and that support will be made available.

Survivors have been instrumental in the setting up of this statutory Inquiry. Both Justice Goddard and I are clear that they must also have a strong voice in the work of the Inquiry as it now moves forward. Justice Goddard will be writing to survivors and their representatives shortly to set out her intention to create a Survivors and Victims’ Consultative Panel and to seek their views on how this will work and who should be on it. This Panel will have a specific role and function within the Inquiry.

I know that survivors were also keen that the Inquiry extended beyond England and Wales. However, as child protection is a devolved matter, it is right that other jurisdictions in the United Kingdom look at the issues within their own geographical remit so that they can take the action which is right to address the specific issues uncovered. I have said before, I am clear that no institution or individual should be able to fall through the gaps because of geographical boundaries.

The Terms of Reference make clear that the Inquiry will liaise with its counterparts elsewhere in the United Kingdom. To that end my officials have had initial discussions with the Scottish Government, who are in the process of setting up their own inquiry, the Hart Inquiry in Northern Ireland and the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry and have agreed with them and with the Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry that joint protocols will be set up with each inquiry to ensure that information can be shared and lines of investigation can be followed across geographical boundaries.

The protocols will be published by the Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry in due course. Additionally, as I made clear when I addressed the House on the 4 February, the Inquiry will have the full cooperation of Government and access to all relevant information.

I am confident that the new statutory Inquiry, under the chairmanship of Justice Goddard, will challenge individuals and institutions without fear or favour and get to the truth. This will not be an easy task but I believe the Inquiry now has the right leadership, individuals and powers to make this happen.

I wish Justice Goddard and the Panel every success as they now move forward with this important work.

The Inquiry’s website can be found at


Filed under Abuse, News, Politics

Crimewatch: The Murder Of Bulic Forsythe

Bulic Forsythe was a senior officer in Lambeth Council’s social work department. In 1993 he was savagely beaten to death in his home, which was then set alight by persons unknown. Recently the Mirror reported that Bulic Forsythe may have been about to blow the whistle on an organised paedophile ring operating within the care homes system in Lambeth, of which a Labour politician may have been a member. This politician later achieved great prominence in the Cabinet of Tony Blair. The circumstances surrounding Bulic’s death are disturbing and bizarre. His killer, or killers, remain unidentified.


Filed under Abuse, News, Politics

Abuse in Lambeth, Operation Ore, and the Blair Minister(s) – Press Reports so far [Updated November 2014]


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Lambeth Reports Organised Child Sexual Abuse


It would be a mistake to think that this kind of child sexual abuse organised by council staff is unique to Lambeth. There are indications that staff in other local authorities were complicit in child sexual abuse and exploitation in a similar organised manner.

The dismissal of implicated staff for non-related reasons like breaching ‘the council’s equal opportunities policy’ is just one way councils have covered up child abuse in the past. Michael John Carroll, former officer in charge of Angell Road children’s home in Lambeth was dismissed for ‘financial irregularities’ before going on to abuse boys in another home in Merseyside.

Clearly the need for mandatory reporting is obvious.

Also don’t let’s forget that a former Labour minister in Tony Blair’s government who is now a member of the House of Lords is also implicated in child sexual abuse of boys in Lambeth.

Details of an internal investigation documenting allegations of sexual assaults and abuse carried out by officers within Lambeth council in the 1990s have been revealed. They include:

:: There were two sites on Lambeth council property used to carry out sexual assaults. They were used for this purpose “on many occasions over the years”.

:: Two private removal firms were “frequently” on site, and were believed to have removed evidence of equipment used during sexual assaults, and washed the area down. One firm had keys to all internal lockers, including a cabinet where evidence in a criminal case was kept and later went missing.

:: Items handed to police following the rape of a female member of staff by a colleague on council premises included a semen-stained blanket, soiled tissues, cassettes and a penknife.

:: Bulic Forsythe, a manager in the housing department, told colleagues he was going to “spill the beans” after a visit to one of these sites.

He clashed with an individual who held a senior position and is named in the report as the head of the ring involved in abuse, and then moved from the housing department to social services.

Whilst in social services Bulic told another colleague he believed the individual in housing could still ‘get to him’. After his death in 1993, colleagues reported that a report he had compiled went missing from his office.

:: Three male employees, including one in a senior position, were suspended from their jobs in the housing department as a result of the internal investigation.

Despite the findings of rape and sexual assault, and possessing indecent images of children, they were suspended on grounds of a ‘breach of the council’s equal opportunities policy’.

:: The report recommends a criminal investigation into the allegations of rape, child rape and images of abuse. The Metropolitan Police has confirmed no investigation was ever undertaken at the time.

Sky News


Filed under Abuse, News, Politics

The Usual Suspects


The Victim: Jagger

Following the tragic death of Jagger the Irish setter at Crufts 2015 by poisoning, The Needle’s crime correspondent Hugh Dunnatt examines this heinous crime and looks at the key suspects.

Jagger, a resident of Belgium, was a well behaved dog by all accounts, an easy temperament and so suicide can almost certainly be ruled out.  Tests found that Jagger – pedigree name Thendara Satisfaction – had eaten cubed beef laced with a lethal cocktail of up to three different poisons.

Mrs Milligan-Bott, the dog’s owner, explained that Jagger was only left alone on a handful of occasions and then for no longer than 15 minutes. She is unsure if that was before or after he entered the show ring.

She told Dog World magazine’s website that nothing appeared untoward until Jagger returned to her home in Kilsby, Northamptonshire, after competing on the first day of the show on Thursday.

‘All the dogs were all running and playing together and Jagger seemed a bit tired, unable to keep up with the others,’ she said.

‘Three or four hours later, after getting back to Belgium, he collapsed and by the time the vet arrived he was dead.

Given the limited opportunities to commit this crime there are very few suspects.

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Suspect 1 ‘Horatio’

Horatio has a record as long as your arm and is extremely anti-social. He was once kept indoors for 3 weeks for running off while being walked. He was not found for 5 hours and when he was found he was extremely muddy and needed a bath. Getting on a bit now, Horatio has been in retirement following the ‘barking incident’ of 2012 but an insider noted that Horatio was still capable of devious behaviour. “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” he explained, “And Horatio knows most of them.”

Horatio has no alibi for the time in question.


Suspect 2: The Stengel brothers. Drake, Raleigh, and Cooky

Generally, acknowledged to be one of the most effective criminal gangs in the dog underworld the Stengel brothers have specialised in theft. That said this nasty pack would have no moral qualms about committing murder if the price was right and enough bonios were offered. Their Modus Operandi is the distraction technique with Drake and Raleigh drawing everyone’s attention while Cooky slyly does the dirty. All the dogs were present but there is some confusion as to whether two or three of the Stengel gang have alibis. An unexplained box of dog treats were found in their pen. They are refusing to cooperate with investigators.

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Suspect 3: ‘Babyface’ Malone

Do not be taken in by the cute appearance of ‘Babyface’ Malone, too many have and regretted it later. Malone is a ‘wooflessly’ efficient criminal canine who has been chewing furniture and stealing other dog’s toys from the moment he was born. He is suspected of being behind the ‘Pee-Gate’ scandal last year. He has no alibi for the time in question.

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Suspect 4: Arthur

 Arthur is a mongrel and can give no explanation as to why he was at Crufts. Always in the vicinity when heinous crimes of this nature are committed he has never been found guilty of anything so much as a misdemeanour. His alibi is that he was attempting to hump the leg of one of the judges at the time. This alibi has not yet been verified.


Filed under Humour, News

Sunday Times admit they told porkies

This Sunday Times correction only covers just one aspect of what was a thoroughly bias and misleading article.
 Mr Wilmer,
I am replying to your complaint of February 22, which you lodged under the auspices of Ipso. Thank you for submitting it.
You asserted that Tom Harper’s news story that day, headlined “Child sex abuse inquiry papers posted online”, had breached Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors’ Code of Practice.
My role on behalf of The Sunday Times is to say whether or not we agree that Clause 1 was breached.
In the absence of evidence to the contrary, I accept your assurance that you did not  “remove” the Leigh Day/Lavery/Wilmer correspondence physically from the Home Office but received a copy of it from a lawyer for the child sex abuse inquiry when you were a member of the inquiry panel. You later published this on your blog.
Accordingly, The Sunday Times proposes to resolve your complaint by printing this correction:
Our story “Child sex abuse inquiry papers posted online” (News, February 22) stated that Graham Wilmer, a former member of the official inquiry into child sex abuse, had “removed” confidential documents from the Home Office and posted them on the internet. In fact he had received material from a lawyer acting for the inquiry before posting it on his blog.


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Baron Bramall’s Home Raided By Op Midland

On the same day as Harvey Proctor’s home and the two homes of Leon Brittan were raided.


Cops have raided Tory Lord Leon ­Brittan’s homes over alleged child abuse – just SIX weeks after he died.

Detectives swooped on the former Home Secretary’s properties in London and North Yorkshire, the Sunday Mirror and news investigators Exaro can reveal

And in a dramatic development officers from Operation Midland – set up to ­investigate historic claims of child abuse by a group of powerful men – also searched the home of 91-year-old D-Day veteran Lord Bramall, once Britain’s highest-ranking Army officer.

The four raids were carried out at dawn on Wednesday at the same time officers swooped on the home of former Tory MP Harvey Proctor , 68.

Sources say the they were signed off by a “senior figure” in the Operation Midland team.

No arrests were made and there is no indication either Mr Proctor or Baron Bramall will have to give formal statements.

It is unclear why Lord Bramall is of interest to the officers or why his home is connected to the inquiry.

The Mirror


Filed under Abuse, News, Politics

Thatcher Knew About Cyril Smith Before Knighthood


Following The Mail on Sunday’s victory, it can be revealed for the first time that:

– Margaret Thatcher was personally told that police had investigated claims that Smith indecently assaulted teenage boys in the 1960s.

– Thatcher was explicitly warned that awarding a knighthood to the 29-stone Liberal MP risked damaging the ‘integrity of the honours system’, but went ahead anyway.

– A senior Whitehall mandarin took the ‘exceptional’ step of contacting the country’s top prosecutor and police to find out why Smith was never charged with abusing boys at a hostel he helped run.

– Civil servants feared the secret Smith police file might be made public in 1982 – when a burglary at the Fleet Street offices of The Sun newspaper revealed the editor was in possession of a copy. This revelation will lead to speculation that the break-in was linked to attempts to cover up Smith’s crimes.

One insider told The Mail on Sunday that the matter is ‘on the Deputy Prime Minister’s desk’. The fact that the Cabinet Office blocked five attempts by The Mail on Sunday to see the papers will deepen fears of a cover-up at the highest levels over the activities of VIP paedophiles.

The Daily Mail


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The Friday Night Song


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The Guardian’s Latest Attempts at PR for the Ukraine Nazis


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‘India’s Daughter’: The Documentary India Tried To Ban

But it is on BBC iplayer HERE

India is already in midst of a raging controversy over a government order to ban the broadcast of a documentary about the December 2012 gang-rape of a young student.

The incident, which sparked outrage both in India and around the world, highlighted the frightening level of violence against women in the country.

The Indian government has also asked YouTube to block access to the documentary, claiming that its broadcast violated certain key agreements with the filmmaker.

But the Delhi gang-rape victim’s father has called on all countrymen to watch the documentary, which showed his daughter’s killer blaming the student for ‘being out at night’.

India’s Daughter was described as the ‘bitter truth’ by the young woman’s father after it quoted the views of her rapist Mukesh Singh, who is on death row over the 2012 attack.

The film by award-winning Briton Leslee Udwin, who produced 1999 indie hit East is East, was due to air on the BBC and Indian news channel NDTV to mark International Women’s Day this Sunday.

But it was dropped by NDTV following the ban and the BBC brought forward its screening to last night, citing a strong public interest.

Today India’s Home Minister Rajnath Singh vowed there would be consequences for the Corporation, telling NDTV: ‘We had asked to not release the documentary but BBC still released it.

‘We will investigate and the MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs) will take action accordingly. The conditions have been breached so action will be taken accordingly. I won’t comment any further.’

The hour-long documentary aired as part of the long-running Storyville series on BBC Four, and is believed to have been accessed by many in India online.

The Daily Mail


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Vishambar Mehrotra talking about son Vishal to LBC 3 March 2015

The Met has confirmed to LBC that the IPCC will look at possible corruption and negligence in the investigation into a young boy’s murder.

Vishal Mehrotra, 8, disappeared on the day of the Royal Wedding in 1981 and his remains were found almost a year later in Sussex woodland. There was no trace of his legs, pelvis or lower spine and his outer clothes and Superman underpants were also missing.

Late last year, his father Vishambar told LBC’s Tom Swarbrick that he wanted police looking into an alleged paedophile ring in 1980s Westminster to also re-investigate his son’s death.


Filed under Abuse, News

Consequences Of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

National household survey of adverse childhood experiences and their relationship with resilience to health-harming behaviours in England


Stable and protective childhoods are critical factors in the development of resilience to health-harming behaviors in England. Interventions to reduce ACEs are available and sustainable, with nurturing childhoods supporting the adoption of health-benefiting behaviors and ultimately the provision of positive childhood environments for future generations.





Filed under Abuse

Harvey Proctor R4 ‘Today’ 5 March 2015

Harvey Proctor speaking on Radio 4 ‘Today’ about the raid on his home, which took place 4 March 2015. ‘The home of former Conservative MP Harvey Proctor has been searched by police investigating historical allegations of child abuse. The BBC understands police from Operation Midland arrived at the house on the estate of Belvoir Castle, in Leicestershire, on Wednesday. The investigation is looking at claims establishment figures abused boys.

Mr Proctor, 68, denied being part of any “rent-boy ring” or attending sex parties with prominent figures. He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme he would like to be interviewed by police “at the earliest opportunity”.


Filed under Abuse, Fairbank, News, Politics

Media Quiet On Harvey Proctor Police Search.


[Edit: Since publishing this Harvey Proctor has given an interview on Radio 4’s Today and the MSM appear to have woken up.]

Isn’t it quiet ?

Since Exaro News published the story last night I can only find the story on the BBC.

Somehow you’d have thought that the search of the home of a former Conservative MP in connection with a police operation looking into the murder of 3 children might be a story ?

The home of former Conservative MP Harvey Proctor has been searched by police investigating historical allegations of child abuse.

The BBC understands police arrived at the 68-year-old’s house on the estate of Belvoir Castle, in Leicestershire, on Wednesday.

The Metropolitan Police said officers from Operation Midland were searching an address in Grantham.

Mr Proctor has not made any statement.

BBC News

Perhaps the silence could be due to the fact that the home searched was on the Duke and Duchess of Rutland’s estate at Belvoir Castle ?

There has been some speculation about the relationship between the Duke of Rutland and Harvey Proctor since we published ‘The Maxwells, Harvey Proctor, And The Marquis Of Granby’ We couldn’t possibly comment but I think it is fair to point out that the Duke and Duchess of Rutland no longer have physical relations. Aparently the Duke has someone else to take care of those needs who lives on the estate.

The aristocracy have always been inventive when their marriages break down. They can afford to be. A blind eye here, an understanding there, a delicate readjustment of room space to conduct their separate lives while maintaining the fiction of harmonious family life.

However, nothing so smotheringly conventional was ever going to do for the Duke and Duchess of Rutland who, at the weekend, made public their own solution to the challenges of infidelity: after 20 years of marriage, they are now living in different wings of their colossal gothic castle at Belvoir, each able to entertain a lover without undue embarrassment and to come together for occasional family meals with their five children.

“It is a situation that many might find difficult, or impossible, to fathom,” wrote Emma Rutland in a lengthy, confessional article in a Sunday newspaper.

The Telegraph

Also worth checking out is the amusingly titled article ‘Duke Drops His Drawbridge for Harvey Proctor’ . “FROM cottages to castles” it begins. I wonder what they could be suggesting ?


Filed under Abuse, News