Monthly Archives: March 2013


It’s strange how people say things. Some I take notice of, some I don’t.

But I find this quote by ‘underground_resistance’…worth taking note of.  Intriguing.  The first part is a paragraph taken from me.  The rest…well, as I said…some things are worth taking note of…

“Although the arrest of a famous celebrity is bound to get people’s attention, it is nothing in comparison to the big scandal which will break in the UK soon. In my view the biggest political scandal ever, bigger even than Watergate. More on that soon enough but you will be horrified to find out what has been going on. So ‘enjoy’ your celebrity sacrifice for today but prepare yourself for the awful truth.” gojam

If your going to tell me that the very people that have been elected to represent the people of this country are actively involved in the rape and abuse of children. Have used the most vulnerable in society, children that they were supposed to be looking after for their own sick and twisted pleasure.
That these very children have been used as part of an entrapment operation run by the secret services to manipulate individuals so as to control the direction of government decisions, facilitate multi million pound deals from which huge kickbacks have been paid. Steer arms deals supposedly to benefit the employment of many UK citizens. And provide sick and twisted kicks to the people at the top of The Great British empire, who seemingly have done this for as far back in history as you care to look.
It’s old news, but thanks for the heads up anyway.

Well done everyone for the day of action, the info is spreading,.


What could they possibly mean?


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Loose Lips….

Now, this has to be just between the two of us. God knows what would happen if people realised what had been going on. I mean ,what would the average person think if they understood that children had been sexually abused and it was covered up as a matter of national security? I suspect they would be appalled. So we need to keep this hush hushcapisci ?

Express Article 1-1


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Keep it to yourself. ;-)

The Sport

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Fisherman’s Blues

Have a great holiday weekend.

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Farewell Madlands


Like many people I was shocked to see Madlands’ blog and twitter account disappear. He has said that he needs to concentrate on his family business but it is not a secret that he had come under personal attack recently. It started for him a couple of days before the twitter ‘Day of Action’. I don’t think this is a coincidence.  I found his blog insightful and informative and it’s a great shame that it is no longer available.

I hope that people now realise that those responsible for these attacks could turn on anyone.



Filed under Personal

Op Yewtree: Rolf Harris Arrested For Sex Offences


I’ve taken a great deal of flak over the past few months, simply because I’ve told you the truth on this issue.

The ’82 year old from Berkshire’ is Rolf Harris. I’ll ask you not to speculate on here exactly why he’s been arrested.

Although the arrest of a famous celebrity is bound to get people’s attention, it is nothing in comparison to the big scandal which will break in the UK soon. In my view the biggest political scandal ever, bigger even than Watergate. More on that soon enough but you will be horrified to find out what has been going on. So ‘enjoy’ your celebrity sacrifice for today but prepare yourself for the awful truth.

An 82-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of sexual offences as part of the Jimmy Savile investigation.

The pensioner is one of 11 people arrested so far under Operation Yewtree – the Met’s investigation into alleged offending by the former disc jockey and others.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said last night that the man, who has not been named, was interviewed under caution on November 29 last year, five days after a search warrant was executed at an address in Berkshire.

He has been given police bail until May. Earlier this week the Mail revealed that as few as three of the men arrested by Scotland Yard over suspected sex offences in the Savile case are likely to be charged.

Details of the small number of Yewtree prosecutions emerged a day after a former BBC producer was released without charge following his arrest over an alleged sex assault in 1965.

Daily Mail


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#paedobritain Is Trending on Twitter

Keep up the good work everyone.

If people aren’t made aware of the scale of institutionalised child abuse and the cover-ups to hide those that protect abusers it will never be stopped.

Keep tweeting!


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For The Children

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South London Press, 2nd June 1995


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Op Yewtree: 11 Arrested ?


Interestingly, I have ten people listed HERE and one of those was only questioned. So, either the Daily Mail have got it wrong or there are two other people arrested by Operation Yewtree that I’m unaware of.

Only three of the 11 men arrested over suspected sex offences in the aftermath of the Jimmy Savile scandal are likely to be charged, it emerged last night.

Detectives believe there will be insufficient evidence to prosecute the majority of the suspects  quizzed under Operation Yewtree.

Former BBC producer Wilfred De’Ath, 75, who was arrested over an alleged sex assault in 1965, was released  without charge on Monday evening.

And speculation was mounting last night that Freddie Starr would soon be told that he, too, will not be charged over claims he attempted to grope a 14-year-old in Savile’s BBC changing room in 1974.

The police operation – which is thought to have cost £1million and has 30 dedicated detectives – has already been criticised by some as a ‘celebrity witch-hunt’.

The Daily Mail


Filed under Abuse, News, Yewtree

Choose !


“He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it”– Martin Luther King


Filed under Abuse, Fairbank, Fernbridge, News, Pallial, Politics, Yewtree

More Billy No Mates E-Petitions

This is one of my favourite features on The Needle. Every 4 months I find and post my top ‘Billy No Mates’ E-Petitions. To qualify they all, at the time of posting, have only one signature (presumably their own) and must have been up for at least 8 months.

Petition to start building a meteor defense system by Tom Chapman

Responsible department: Cabinet Office

As of now we have no form of defense if a meteor were to collide with Earth, and the creation of such defenses may take years.

The Elephant Gun Technique by Manny Perex

Responsible department: Department of Health

The Elephant Gun Technique, if properly instigated, could deter smokers from lighting up, and also guarantee those who want to give up, that they would never start again. The government should give this scheme a try. It DOES work!

MPs should be immune from freedom of information requests by Peter Smith

Responsible department: Office of the Leader of the House of Commons

Our MPs work very hard for this country, and people persist in trying to find out every single aspect of their lives with “freedom of information” requests.

Therefore, MPs should be immune from such requests.

Tax to visit Greece by Dave moss

Responsible department: Her Majesty’s Treasury

If Greece default on loans introduce a huge tax to visit there to pay back the damage they do. They cannot benefit from euro tourism with their careless attitude of spend and destroy. Grow some and don’t let these countries rape Europe and us of all our values and money.

Sunglasses whilst driving by Thomas Baker

Responsible department: Department for Transport

It should be illegal to drive a vehicle whilst wearing sunglasses. It is dangerous as restricts viewing of traffic and pedestrians.

Appoint Musmnet as morality watchdog by Lauren Harding

Responsible department: Department for Culture, Media and Sport

I’m delighted that the gov’t is taking a stance on online pornography to help protect my children.

However I feel that Musmnet have a better understanding of what would be good for morals and what isn’t.

Therefore I think the gov’t should appoint them as some kind of watchdog.

Reduce traffic congestion by allowing White Vans into bus lanes by Colin Hughes

Responsible department: Department for Transport

Bus Lanes are a waste of valuable road space.

Please allow all delivery vans, White Vans as well as Royal Mail vans and trucks to use bus lanes.

British Migrants Party proposes to celebrate “Migrants are our Daiamonds” day, on 5th of June every year by Suzanna Yebeni

Responsible department: Home Office

Many of our leaders in Britain are migrants, or they have got immigrant ancestors, like Duke of Edinburgh or The Queen who has got German ancestors. We also have many politicians with immigrant background. In fact vast majority of people living in Britain have got immigrant connection. UK would look an abandoned country without them. Migrants are hard working, tough, durable, and reliable just like diamonds. It will be great to celebrate migrant’s arrival to UK as rescuers, revitalises and mark their arrival to UK on 5th of June. On this great date we will celebrate migrant’s first step on this land, bringing prosperity, competition and expertise. What a great reason to celebrate and honour migrants, recognise their contribution to our society. It will boost the moral of migrants too, create festival atmosphere, rejoice, creation of harmony, integrated society. That is what we need, a day to celebrate, “celebration of migrants arrival to the United Kingdom” the diamonds, our migrants.

Better Hosepipe Ban punishment by M. Perkins

Responsible department: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

A lot of people don’t pay attention to the hosepipe ban, and I feel that the £1,000 fine isn’t adequate enough.

Anyone caught disregarding the ban should have their water cut off.

House of Lords Reform Create a Third Chamber by Simon Noble

Responsible department: Cabinet Office

Reduce the House of Lords in size, by removing representatives of all religions. This would involve Islamics and Christians and any minority quasi-political group of activists including Born-Again Christians. These groups would still receive representation through their existing Members of Parliament.

Replace them in the House of Lords with a Third Chamber of appointed experts. These individuals would move in or out of the House of Lords, as government business demand changes.

Reform the House of Commons, by transferring to the elected MPs a responsibility for business associated with a sole government department but with the constituency enlarged to cover the whole UK. This would enable MPs to train for career advancement to a Third Chamber and then the House of Lords.

This is more in line with modern business practices.

Petition to prohibit turning right by Ian Walker

Responsible department: Department for Transport

Most traffic delays, which cost small businesses dearly in wasted fuel and, therefore, impact upon Britains ability to recover from recession, are caused by people turning right from main roads.

If turning right from a main road, except at roundabouts and traffic lights or intersections with set lanes for the purpose of turning right, was prohibited, traffic would flow more freely on our roads – it would reduce accidents – and we would save money by not having to sit for ages in queues of traffic.


Filed under Humour, News

A Breakdown Of Trust.

The Full 1989 NAYPIC Report can be read HERE


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by | March 26, 2013 · 6:51 pm


The Mirror have reported on the cover-up of an investigation of a paedophile ring in Lambeth council children’s homes. It’s suspected that the reason for the cover-up was the involvement of politicians, including at least one MP.

Read More

There’s another reason why Scotland Yard were so keen to close the investigation down.

In November 1997 the South London Press ran a story about a ‘sex chamber’ hidden in the basement of Lambeth Police Station with bedding, a red light, and a manacle. Was Lambeth Police Station being used by the paedophile ring to abuse children and produce child pornography?


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Truth Is Not A Good Career Move.

So, judge the current crop of police investigators on who they arrest and how far they go in the Met in the future.524163_10151510672574162_1237413071_n

Tasked with flushing out ­paedophiles preying on vulnerable youngsters at children’s homes, Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll relished the challenge.

But the officer suddenly found himself booted off the case and put on a ­disciplinary after revealing ­politicians were named among the suspects.

At least one of the figures is understood to have been an MP.

And former Labour councillor Anna Tapsell claims she was visited by a police chief to “warn her off” after she raised concerns that detectives would not ­properly investigate allegations of ­paedophile activity in care homes.

Mr Driscoll launched his probe into child sex abuse claims in the South London borough of Lambeth in 1998.

But he claims Scotland Yard began meddling as soon as the politicians were named.

The Mirror


by | March 26, 2013 · 10:07 am

Who’s this ?

Well, I’ll tell you. If it’s an underage boy raped it’s **************, whereas, if it’s an underaged girl raped it’s  ************* and this is an underage girl, so it must be ***************!

Thanks to Madlands 



Filed under Abuse, Fernbridge, News, Politics

Then And Now: Sound Familiar ?

Funny how history repeats itself.

1993 John Major’s Government cuts funding  as sensitive child abuse allegations hit the headlines

N.A.Y.P.I.C. is the consumer-led organization first set up in 1979 until 1993 when funding came to a halt. This being at a time when we were exposing atrocities such as:

  • Langton house (American Medical International private care hospital for children) psychiatric hospital, which we had closed down making News at 10 and costing AMI 8 Million Pounds.
  • ‘Pin Down’ which prompted a public enquiry
  • The Nottingham ritual abuse case that we helped work on with, Channel 4 Dispatches.
  • Melanie Klein House secure unit Greenwich which we had closed down
  • The Carol Cazier (who died mysteriously during our investigation and shortly before the court case, which was about to reveal influential people’s involvement) case dating back to 1973, which made front page news in the Daily Express back then.
  • Our child pornography and snuff movies exposure, which made front page in the Times newspaper.
  • The Bromley privatization of children’s homes (selling children with the homes), which we took to the hight court , the council narrowly escaping paying £600,000 if we won, however the director of social services and the chair of SSD both being arrested and put in the cells for taking bribes and countless more exposures which we are well documented on exposing

Youth Parliament

2013 David Cameron’s Government cuts funding as sensitive child abuse allegations hit the headlines

Graham Wilmer, director of the Lantern Project, said, “We shall be closing down in two weeks’ time. The outgoing government did promise to set up a national strategy that would include funding for such work [victim support], but this was cancelled by the new government.”………….

………….Jonathan Bird, operations manager of the National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAYPAC), said “Some organisations are having to close because of lack of funding.”

Exaro News


Filed under Abuse, Fairbank, Fernbridge, News, Pallial, Politics, Yewtree

Truth And Error


“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

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