Monthly Archives: March 2016

GMC And Child Abuse – Carry On Doctor


News today that Dr Morris Fraser was allowed to continue to practice by the General Medical Council (GMC) despite a conviction for abusing a 13 year old boy in London in 1971.

Richard Kerr, who is identified in the Meehan Report as one of the children who Dr Fraser abused at the Royal Hospital, Belfast where he worked, told me, “I was at a special needs school for learning disabilities and I believe that many abusers like Fraser deliberately targeted vulnerable children who would not be believed even if they did speak up at the time. I can’t believe that the GMC would not strike off doctors who have been convicted of abuse. They seem to be more interested in protecting the institution and their own than protecting children.”

However, Dr Fraser was not the only child abuser who was allowed to continue to medically practice by the GMC. Below we can reveal two further cases and these are almost certainly just the tip of the iceberg.

It would seem only proper that the Independent Goddard Inquiry, which is looking into non-recent abuse involving institutions, should also look at the decisions made by the GMC.

4th Oct 1973   David John Girling
Dr David Girling, aged 36. of the Ridgeway, Acton, London, was given a six-month suspended jail sentence and fined a total of £500 by West London magistrates yesterday for indecently assaulting four boys.

30th Nov 1976   Nigel Couper

Nigel Couper doctor who indecently assaulted two boys and two girls was allowed to continue in practice after the Disciplinary Committee or the General Medical Council had been told yesterday that he was giving up children’s medicine. Dr Nigel Couper, aged 28, of Oakwood Drive, Leeds, was found guilty of serious professional misconduct at a meeting of the committee last November. Yesterday the committee decided to take no further action and discharged the case. The committee was told that Dr Couper had admitted at Plymouth Magistrates’ Court in June, 1975. four offences of indecent assault. He was fined £200. The offences were committed when he was a senior house officer in the paediatric department of Freedom Fields Hospital. He had also visited a girl, aged 10, in the children’s ward and at the earlier meeting he admitted- indecent assault. Mr Kenneth Widgery, for the council, said the assault dealt with by the magistrates occurred when two boys. and a girl aged eight doing odd jobs called at Dr Couper’s home. The fourth case involved an older boy. Mr Peter Bayliss, for Dr Couper told the committee that the doctor,- now a trainee radiology registrar, had kept an undertaking that he would quit paeditrics. A psychiatrist was confident that no such.behaviour would recur

GMC Complaints & Procedures


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Dr Morris Fraser: Abuse Cover-Up Study

A full copy of Dr Meehan’s study will be available from the Spinwatch website from 31 March 2016.


Dr Morris Fraser

Press Release


Police and GMC allowed convicted Paedophile access to vulnerable children

Dr Morris Fraser:

Child Abuse, Corruption and Collusion.

A study by

Dr Niall Meehan, Griffith College Dublin

Embargoed until 31 March 2016

A remarkable new study, with implications for the UK Goddard Inquiry, has shown that the General Medical Council in Britain, the RUC and  the Metropolitan Police withheld from the public important information about Morris Fraser, a doctor who was a serial paedophile. Fraser used his medical status to enable other paedophiles such as Peter Righton and Charles Napier to gain access to vulnerable children.

The comprehensive Spinwatch study by Dr Niall Meehan, Journalism & Media Faculty, Griffith College, Dublin, highlights a catalogue of bewildering failures and cover-ups by the authorities, which enabled Dr Morris Fraser to remain on the Medical Register despite being convicted twice (in 1972 in London and in 1974 in New York) for child abuse. As a result Fraser continued to have access to vulnerable children and to sexually abuse them for a period of some twenty years.

Fraser was a well-known and often-quoted Senior Psychiatric Registrar at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Child Guidance Clinic in Belfast. In 1973 Secker and Warburg published Fraser’s Children in conflict, about the Northern Ireland conflict. It was re-published by Penguin in 1974 and 1979, and in 1977 in the US by Basic Books.

In 1971 Fraser came to the attention of the RUC. He was arrested for sexually abusing a 13-year-old Belfast boy in London.

The Metropolitan Police and the Royal Ulster Constabulary failed to inform Fraser’s employer, the Belfast Hospitals’ Authority.

Fraser was convicted in London in May 1972 and was bound over not to reoffend for three years. This was not reported. After the conviction, his employers were still not told. As a result, Fraser’s professional standing, media celebrity, and access to children, remained unaffected.

Abuse Fraser perpetrated during this period was made possible by a deliberate police cover-up of Fraser’s arrest and conviction.

Between 1973 and 1975 the Disciplinary Committee of the General Medical Council considered Fraser’s fitness to practice medicine in the light of his 1972 conviction.

The GMC did so only because newspapers reported that Fraser was arrested in New York in May 1973 for new paedophile crimes. The GMC ignored Fraser’s February 1974 US guilty plea.

While bound over by a UK court Fraser went to New York and became part of a paedophile group who were sexually abusing children.

It is remarkable that the GMC colluded with police in preventing full knowledge of Fraser’s crimes from becoming public knowledge and that Fraser was merely asked to undergo psychiatric treatment. Fraser was accused by the GMC of engaging in a single sordid act of abuse in London. As exclusively revealed in Meehan’s study that was a lie. Fraser had a co-accused who abused another Belfast boy, a 10-year-old, at the same time and in the same place as Fraser. It is also exclusively revealed that Fraser’s crime was finally officially notified to the Belfast Hospitals’ Authority a year late, in May 1973, one week after his publicised US arrest and after he was already suspended.

Though Fraser was arrested in New York in May 1973 and pleaded guilty in February 1974, Fraser’s reoffending was not brought to the attention of the UK courts.

Despite the GMC being aware of this second, though ignored, US offence, the Disciplinary Committee determined in 1975 that the twice-convicted (on two continents) paedophile could continue practising medicine with no stated restrictions. As a result Fraser used his professional status to rebuild his profile in Britain and to gain access to children. In 1981 Fraser even provided fellow predatory paedophile Peter Righton with a character reference for another paedophile, Charles Napier, to successfully overturn a teaching ban on Napier.

Fraser was convicted in 1992, for a third time, of possessing and distributing over 1,000 images of child pornography on or before 13 May 1987, most of which were photographs Fraser took at home and abroad. Finally, Fraser was sent to jail for a year.

Despite this conviction, Fraser continued to operate a paedophile scheme he set up in Cornwall in 1988 called Azimuth. It was based on a French paedophile operation École en Bateau, with which Fraser was also associated. Fraser used his medical credentials to select vulnerable boys who were sent on sailing trips with a paedophile ‘skipper’, Michael Johnson. In 1994 the latter was convicted and jailed for four years on six specimen charges of assaulting two boys aged nine and eleven. Fraser escaped prosecution and later fled to Holland.

Despite Fraser’s known paedophile activities and convictions, his role, to 1973, in selecting and allocating children to homes, including Kincora, in Northern Ireland has never been examined.  Former Kincora inmate, Richard Kerr, has already stated publicly that he was abused by Fraser when he was in another home in Belfast.

Government Inquiries carried out by Sir George Terry and Judge William Hughes have studiously ignored Fraser.  Why were the authorities been so lenient with Fraser? Why was a Freedom of Information request regarding Fraser turned down in 2015 for reasons of national security?

Fraser’s victims need to be told.  One thing is certain, the full story has still not been unravelled, but it is hoped that his study will fill in some of the gaps.

A full copy of Dr Meehan’s study will be available from the Spinwatch website from 31 March 2016.


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Harvey Proctor Press Conference Draft Speech


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Stole The Show

The Friday Night Song


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Shoebury Paedophile Scandal: Fourth Whistleblower Comes Forward

Commendable work by the Yellow Advertiser and investigate journalist Charles Thomson on the Shoebury paedophile ring which just goes to highlight the important work of local newspapers.


In 1990 two local charities – the Rainer Foundation and the Children’s Society – published a report based on assessments of 25 young boys known to have visited the flat of convicted paedophile Dennis King in Shoebury, Essex. Of those 25 boys referred to in the charity report, only a handful were interviewed by Essex Police.

The report suggested, however, that there could be up to 80 victims aged as young as 11 years old.

Of those boys interviewed by the police only two went to court, were formally case conferenced, and received appropriate after-care.

Only two men were convicted, Brian Tanner, then 57, was sentenced to 3 years and Denis King who received 4 years imprisonment.

Dennis King, 55 years old at the time of his 1990 conviction, had been convicted for sexual offences against boys at least twice before 1990 and has been convicted at least twice subsequent to the 1990 Shoebury conviction – More details HERE

Many of those that have disclosed are clear that more men were involved in the child abuse than just Dennis King and Brian Tanner.

Since then, multiple boys who disclosed abuse to the local charities have died of drug overdoses, committed suicide, or gone to prison.

So far, the Yellow Advertiser have been able to track down 4 whistleblowers who were professionals familiar with the case at the time.

Earlier this month, Essex Police announced a formal investigation into an alleged child abuse cover-up in Essex related to the Shoebury paedophile ring.

Anybody with information about the case can call Essex Police on 101.

A FOURTH whistleblower has agreed to cooperate with a police probe into an alleged paedophile ring ’cover-up’, after being tracked down by the Yellow Advertiser.

The source managed a charity project in Essex and worked with young boys who had been abused by men in Shoebury in the late 1980s.

The source said he and colleagues had felt ’deep regret’ for 25 years over the way the allegations were handled by authorities, and that he was ’delighted’ police were reinvestigating.

Asked whether he would cooperate with Essex Police’s review of the case, he said: “Yes. Anything I can do to try and get justice for those kids, count me in. A hundred per cent.”

Yellow Advertiser

Further reading:


Filed under Abuse, News

Thoughts On The Closure Of Operation Midland



So, Operation Midland is dead – ‘Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, Silence the pianos and with muffled drum. Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.’

John Mann MP has written that he wasn’t surprised that Operation Midland closed down and nor were most keen observers including myself but unlike John Mann I’ll say why nobody was surprised; it was because the allegations made by Nick, the sole complainant, were preposterous and therefore it was only a matter of time before any investigation into them was closed down – though several parties including the Metropolitan Police were eager to string it out for as long as possible.

Let’s quickly look again at how Nick’s allegations evolved over the decades because the BBC have recently supplied new information.

In one of Nick’s own blog posts published 4th May 2014, which have since all been removed, he gives us a timeline of disclosure.

“I first disclosed that I had been abused 6 years after it had finished, and this was just to acknowledge that I had been hurt. 15 years or so after it ended, I was able to say that I had been raped but on both occasions I kept everything else to myself. 30 years after the abuse stopped, I finally disclosed everything.”

We know from elsewhere in his blogs that he claims his abuse ended when he was 16 years old, circa 1984, and so we can deduce that Nick disclosed physical abuse circa 1990, sexual abuse circa 1999, and the entire allegations that were investigated by Operation Midland, including rape, sadistic torture, and murder by VIPs circa 2014.

The BBC have added more detail:

He first disclosed his alleged abuse to police in 2012. This was to Wiltshire Police and he did not name prominent men, just his stepfather, who by then was dead. Police could take no action.

He next spoke to the Met’s Operation Yewtree to allege abuse by Jimmy Savile.

Then, in 2013, he was interviewed by a television documentary about Savile. At this point he discussed a wider “group” of alleged abusers without disclosing names. His account was consistent with later descriptions he gave the BBC. With one exception.

The alleged murders were only disclosed in 2014 – after the initial media coverage that year of his wider allegations – yet they became the focus of Operation Midland

BBC News

A year ago, I made the point that Nick’s allegations had evolved and I was rounded on. Now it is quite clear that they have evolved over time. Note also that the BBC make it clear that the accounts that Nick gave the BBC were not consistent – “His account was consistent with later descriptions he gave the BBC. With one exception.

Nick’s allegations are a collage of internet conspiracy; by 2013 there were plenty of rumours swirling around regarding Edward Heath, Harvey Proctor, Jimmy Savile, Sir Peter Hayman, Maurice Oldfield, and Lord Janner – though none of those rumours ever had these individuals acting together and no credible rumour suggested that any of them had been sadistic in the manner that Nick had described. Some of these men – Hayman, Savile, and Janner – were abusers or, at the very least, had an unhealthy sexual interest in children but all of these men were ‘the usual suspects’ for anyone who had looked at these internet rumours.

Lord Bramall and Sir Roland Gibbs, both former Chiefs of the General Staff appear to have been included because Nick’s stepfather was an officer in the army during the 1970s, while former MI5 chief Sir Michael Hanley seems to have been included for no apparent reason other than to make up the ‘intelligence set’ along with alleged closet homosexual and former MI6 chief Maurice Oldfield and Sir Peter Hayman who has wrongly been identified as the former deputy head of MI6 but who, more likely,  had some role within Army Intelligence.

Let’s take a look at the Metropolitan Police statement; it leans in tone but not so far as the facts can not bear – after all, it isn’t beyond the realms of possibility that at a future date an independent inquiry may come to check its accuracy.

This line is interesting:

“In the course of the investigation, officers have not found evidence to prove that they were knowingly misled by a complainant [Nick]. The MPS does not investigate complainants simply on the basis that their allegations have not been corroborated.”

There are a few interesting points to make about that section. The first sentence is qualified twice. It does not say that officers found no evidence but that they had “not found evidence to prove” and the police statement doesn’t say that there was no evidence to prove they were misled but that they had not found evidence to prove that they had been knowingly misled. These qualifications are critical because for the crime of attempting to pervert the course of justice to be proven, the police would need to find evidence that Nick had misled them knowingly. The following sentence appears to suggest that the police haven’t actually investigated Nick to determine whether there was indeed evidence to prove that Nick had knowingly misled them. This would appear remiss if, as has been reported, Harvey Proctor has made a formal complaint against Nick and Exaro News.

However, even if the case against Nick for attempting to pervert the course of justice was properly investigated, there is no guarantee that it would result in charges; barrister of 25 years, Matthew Scott goes into some detail, HERE, regarding the obstacles such a course of action would face.

Operation Midland is an embarrassment to the Met; either their detectives were credulous in the extreme or they went along with this absurd investigation to bring a number of mounting media/CSA issues to a head for their own ends. Regardless, one thing is certain and that is that they certainly do not want the details of this fiasco to come to light in any possible trial or as a result of an independent inquiry, which is the primary reason that the Henriques Inquiry will not look at the Operation Midland evidence and will report in secret.  Remember also that the Met didn’t even submit a criminal file to the CPS regarding Nick’s allegations – one less outside body in possession of the facts it would seem… It would appear that the only possible recourse that Harvey Proctor may have which would result in his complaint against Nick for perverting the course of justice being taken seriously and presented to the CPS is if he decides to take out a private prosecution – an expensive course of action if taken to trial.

Independent journalists – that is to say, those without a vested interest – can all smell something rotten and all know that they are being deliberately shut out by a unnatural alliance of complicit parties all trying to save their own skins. That said, unnatural alliances never last.

The police statement goes on:

In the course of seeking evidence which could corroborate or indeed disprove the initial allegations, more individuals came forward to provide additional information to Operation Midland. They were interviewed in September 2015. The allegations included further information relating to the disappearance of Martin Allen. This generated new lines of inquiry which have had to be thoroughly investigated.

This evidence has also been assessed, but does not provide the corroboration that would lead to the MPS seeking to charge a suspect…

…The disappearance of Martin Allen remains an outstanding concern for the MPS and for his family, who do not know what happened to their son. Specialist investigators from the Homicide and Major Crime Command will continue a missing person inquiry into Martin’s disappearance.


For me, one of the most nauseating aspects of this entire Operation Midland travesty concerns the cruel and wholly unnecessary trauma caused to Martin Allen’s family. Martin disappeared in November 1979 and since then his desperate family have been looking for answers, as any bereaved family would do. Although Nick did not specifically identify Martin Allen – Martin was 15 years old at the time of his disappearance and Nick suggested that the boy he’d allegedly seen Harvey Proctor strangle was around 12 years old – as one of the three boys he claims were victims of the sadistic murdering VIP paedophile ring, it wasn’t long before the vultures that sought to validate his story mis-identified Martin as a possible candidate. However, the account that Nick gave of the murder of the boy allegedly occurred several months after Martin’s disappearance in early 1980; this resulted in the Allen family members being led to believe a horrible and disturbing scenario in which Martin had been kidnapped and held by Nick’s sadistic VIP paedophile ring for months before being murdered in front of Nick.

The police statement makes clear that they could find no corroborative evidence for this.

It must be painful enough for the family of a missing child, not knowing what may have happened, without being led to believe that their loved one spent their final months being tortured, sexually abused, and finally murdered based on no more evidence than Nick’s sensationalist account. It is truly despicable and, in my view, unforgivable.

It is welcome that the Metropolitan Police have looked again at Martin Allen’s disappearance; he is one of a large number of cases relating to missing children over the last 40 years that should be reinvestigated but there will be understandable suspicions that the police have only mentioned this case in their statement as a way of attempting to justify Operation Midland by highlighting this tenuously connected development. I hope that Martin Allen’s family find the answers that they are looking for but I fear that we’ll hear no more from the police about this heartbreaking case, it having served its purpose of distracting from the key allegations that Operation Midland was set up to investigate.

Meanwhile, Nick’s allegations, with the help of his online supporters, has become a cause célèbre for conspiracy theorist and his personal friends as they seek to co-opt genuine survivors of child sexual abuse. They argue that ‘Nick isn’t believed – genuine survivors of CSA are often not believed – therefore Nick is a genuine survivor of CSA’ . It is a logically flawed argument which feeds off the distressingly familiar personal experiences that many survivors of CSA have had, drawing them into publicly supporting a false allegation which potentially might have the affect of discrediting them by association.

This would be a tragedy and if those campaigners who are engaged in this really do have the interests of CSA survivors at heart, they should stop attempting to co-opt them to this cause. Sometimes the reality is that individuals are not believed because what they say is not true.

As a footnote, I thought I’d touch on how the raft of sensationalist false allegations over the last couple of years and the aggressive and often libellous online campaigns that support them have affected how we on The Needle now deal with information regarding establishment abuse. We came from a starting point of full disclosure but as we’ve watched information twisted to support false allegations, libellous claims, and sensationalist theories we’ve become increasingly fearful that evidence that we put into the public domain might be used to make false allegations seem more plausible. So, although we continue to research and have a great deal of information which we would have previously published, we no longer post it.

As an example, some time back we positively identified the man who lived with Lennie Smith, who was convicted along with Sidney Cooke over the death of Jason Swift and who is alluded to in the book Lambs to the Slaughter, extract below.

“for about four years he [Lennie Smith] was able to boast one of London’s best addresses, a house in Eaton Place, Belgravia. Smith lived with the son of a man who held a prestigious and historic parliamentary post, meeting him first as a client who enjoyed being tied up and whipped”.

However, given that publicly identifying him would inevitably lead, with very little research, to two or three well known living individuals who would certainly face libellous innuendo from the fanatic cult-like online mob, we no longer feel it would be responsible to publish and that is just one example. These so called campaigners who claim to want to expose the hideous reality of CSA are actually having the opposite affect.

The only likely tangible consequences of this aggressive campaigning and promotion of false allegations that I can see is that it is likely that CSA complainants will no longer be automatically believed  by the police and that suspects may come to have the same legal anonymity as the complainants in the future.

How has that helped CSA Survivors ?


Filed under Abuse, News

Met Statement on Operation Midland


A man in his 60s who was previously interviewed under caution has today, Monday 21 March, been advised by officers working on Operation Midland that he will face no further action.

Operation Midland has now closed.

In October 2014, the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) received allegations of a serious nature involving murder and sexual assault made by a single individual. The allegations concerned non-recent matters over a 10 year period (1975-1984) at a number of locations.

The credibility of the allegations was assessed after a process involving extended questioning of the complainant by specialist child protection detectives.

Following the assessment, an investigation was launched.

In November 2014, in response to media inquiries, it was publicly confirmed an investigation had been launched. In December 2014 a public appeal for information and witnesses was made, as is normal in serious investigations of this kind.

The allegations included the potential homicide of three boys. The complainant identified one of these as resembling a boy called Martin Allen who disappeared in November 1979.

The initial allegations were received from a single complainant. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) guidelines are clear that this should not preclude possible prosecution in a case involving an allegation of sexual assault, but the quality of evidence must be assessed. Many rape allegations are initially uncorroborated.

In the course of seeking evidence which could corroborate or indeed disprove the initial allegations, more individuals came forward to provide additional information to Operation Midland. They were interviewed in September 2015. The allegations included further information relating to the disappearance of Martin Allen. This generated new lines of inquiry which have had to be thoroughly investigated.

This evidence has also been assessed, but does not provide the corroboration that would lead to the MPS seeking to charge a suspect.

The CPS has been involved for the past 12 months and is aware of the nature of the inquiries considered by the investigation team. The decision on whether to refer the case to the CPS for a decision on whether to charge is one for the police. In this case, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Steve Rodhouse, the senior officer in charge of Operation Midland, has concluded that the threshold has not been met for the case to be referred for any charging decisions. Whilst investigations could not be completed into individuals who are no longer alive, sufficient evidence has not been found that would have led the MPS to refer the matter to the CPS if they were alive.

The disappearance of Martin Allen remains an outstanding concern for the MPS and for his family, who do not know what happened to their son. Specialist investigators from the Homicide and Major Crime Command will continue a missing person inquiry into Martin’s disappearance.

The team of 31 officers working on Operation Midland will be released to work on other investigations. The most recent cost of the investigation – from November 2015 – was £1.7 million, but the final cost will be published in due course.

It is not uncommon for investigations to result in no action against individuals and it is a central part of our judicial system that everyone is innocent unless proven guilty in a court. This is why the MPS does not name individuals arrested, or interviewed under caution, – except in exceptional circumstances – and did not do so in this case.

In the course of the investigation, officers have not found evidence to prove that they were knowingly misled by a complainant. The MPS does not investigate complainants simply on the basis that their allegations have not been corroborated.

In September 2015 the MPS acknowledged that the use of the phrase “credible and true” at a media appeal could have given the wrong impression that the outcome of the investigation was being pre-empted. However, an open mind was retained throughout.

As with any case, the MPS has released sufficient details to facilitate an appeal for information. The MPS has not offered more detail unless there was a clear policing purpose in doing so.

This position will not change now that Operation Midland has concluded. The MPS will not publicly disclose further information about the investigation that might breach the confidentiality of the complainants or those who have been investigated. The MPS will, of course, support the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse if it chooses to examine this investigation.

The MPS will not apologise for carrying out its duty to investigate serious allegations of non-recent abuse. The MPS recognise however, how unpleasant it is for an individual to be investigated and to have their innocence publicly called into question. The MPS sympathises with those affected, including the families of those no longer alive, and regrets the distress they have felt. But it is in the interests of justice for police to investigate thoroughly.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Steve Rodhouse, the senior officer in charge of Operation Midland said:

“It is absolutely right that we assessed carefully the allegations made to us in October 2014 and did not dismiss them prematurely. Our initial inquiries supported the need for a thorough investigation to seek any evidence that might corroborate or disprove the allegations.

“Investigations of non-recent allegations are extremely challenging and complex for all of those involved.

“Victims of non-recent abuse should have the confidence to come forward and know that we will listen to them, take seriously their allegations and investigate without fear or favour.

“It is just as important for those under investigation to know that they will be treated fairly. Everyone is innocent unless proven guilty in the courts.”

The Commissioner has previously announced that Sir Richard Henriques has been asked to carry out an independent review of this and other investigations.

He will make recommendations about whether there are ways to improve the process for all of those involved in it in the future.

The key findings of the review and the recommendations will be published later this year, but the full review will contain confidential and sensitive information and will be a private report for the Commissioner.

Detectives from the Directorate of Professional Standards of the MPS continue to carry out inquiries into a number of allegations from former officers that concerns about sexual abuse involving political figures were not properly investigated in previous decades. At present, the Independent Police Complaints Commission is managing 32 such investigations.


Filed under Abuse

Harvey Proctor Statement: Met To Take ‘No Further Action’



by | March 21, 2016 · 1:50 pm

BBC Inside Out would like to speak to you for their new follow up film on Tong Park and Kirk Levington.

Following the very well received BBC Inside Out programme regarding abuse at  Tong Park and Kirk Levington Detention centres earlier this year which resulted in a large number of new people contacting the police, I can bring you news that the investigative journalist Gaggan Sabherwal and the BBC Inside Out team intend a follow up programme.

Hi all,

I hope you all are well!

My name is Gaggan and I work for BBC’s Inside Out programme based in Leeds. Last August I had left a post on this blog page about wanting to speak to people about their experiences at Tong Park and Kirk Levington Detention centres. This was for a film I was working on and I must say we received so many calls and emails from people to share their experiences. Thank you each and every one of you for getting in touch. Without your help our film wouldn’t have been possible.

I am writing to let you all know that we have decided to do a follow up film as we have heard since our film, Cleveland and West Yorkshire police have received over hundred new witness statements from people who were abused at Tong Park and Kirk Levington. In case you missed our film then you can watch it back here :

I would like to hear from more people about their experiences at Tong Park and Kirk Levington for our follow up film so if you would like to have a private and off the record chat with me about your experiences then please email me your details and I will call you. I assure you whatever you tell me will be treated with utmost confidentiality. My email address is :

Take care and thank you for your time and support!

I look forward to hearing from you J


For those who have not yet seen the film –


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In Bloom

The Friday Night Song


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The Mucker Report

By Derek Mucker


Derek Mucker

‘Ello my mush! I be Derek Mucker and this ‘ere’s The Mucker Report. I been asked to report on whether the North Wales child abuse Inquiry was a cover-up.

I can tell ye that I found no govmint documentation that it were.

I found no govmint documentation that Thomas Kenyon, son of Lord Kenyon, abused young boys in hotels in Wales – No govmint documentation that Sir Peter Morrison abused boys from North Wales care homes – An’ no govmint documentation that Lord McAlpine’s cousin Jimmy abused boys neither !

Imagine that! The govmint didn’t see fit to write any documentation about it nor no documentation about any cover-up!

No documentation means it ain’t proved and if it ain’t proved it didn’t ‘appen.

Which begs the question – how comes I can’t find n0 govmint documentation for the Elmer Fudd tattoo I’s found on my arse?





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The Humbling River

The Friday Night Song


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Private Eyes

The Friday Night Song


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Cardinal George Pell Testimony 29 Feb – 3 Mar 2016

3rd March 2016 Part 3 (40 mins – conclusion)

3rd March 2016 Part 2 (1hr 32min)

3rd March 2016 Part 1 (1hr 18min)

2nd March 2016 Part 3 (1hr 14min)

2nd March 2015 Part 2 (1hr 31min)

2nd March 2016 Part 1 (1hr 16min)

1st March 2016 Part 2 (2hr 3min)

1st March 2016 (4mins)

29th February 2016 (2hr 5min)

March 2019 : Cardinal George Pell has been jailed for six years after being convicted of sexually abusing two boys in Australia.


Filed under Abuse, News

My thoughts on Andrew Picard ( Boeckman ) & his father Phillip

shinybluedress's Blog


Imagine – if you can – a tiny girl of 3 being filmed & photographed whilst she is being raped. It’s unimaginable isn’t it? But it happened & it was captured in photos & film.

Now imagine that somewhere in the UK –  in a world far removed from her – an Etonian pupil looking, watching & sharing her trauma with his friends. To feed his fascination/addiction to viewing this detestable crime. Unimaginable too? No. It happened & Andrew got caught.

Now back to the little girl. Not only does she not understand what’s happening to her, she does not even have the language to be able to tell anyone.

And who is she? Where is she? Does she have a caring family? Has anyone rescued her? Are the police investigating? Somehow I doubt it.

Conversely, the Etonian Andrew Picard (or more correctly Boeckman ) not only knew his…

View original post 405 more words


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Driscoll Names Boateng

There’s a bit of a row going on right now between myself and The Needle‘s Picture Editor. Maybe you can help; which image do you think should go with this story?  This one…?


Or this one…?


A detective was removed from his post after telling colleagues he wanted to approach Paul Boateng – then government minister in charge of police.

Multiple sources have told the BBC they believe Det Insp Clive Driscoll intended to ask Mr Boateng what – if anything – he knew of a known paedophile, John Carroll.

But before Mr Driscoll could approach him in 1998 he was axed from the case.

There is no suggestion Paul Boateng – now a Lord – had done anything wrong.

Now under the supervision of the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), the Metropolitan Police has for three years been reviewing why Mr Driscoll was ordered to leave the south London borough of Lambeth in November 1998, and what happened to the information he had gathered.

Justice Lowell Goddard, who this month begins hearings for her inquiry into historical allegations of child sexual abuse in a wide range of institutions, has stated that one of her priorities will be to get to the bottom of what happened in Lambeth, one of the most troubled and scandal-plagued councils in the UK.

BBC News


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