Rolf Harris: “Kids Can Say No” 1985 Full Video

I’m just posting this up for the record though you might want to get your sick bags out ready if you decide to watch it.


Filed under Abuse, News, Yewtree

7 responses to “Rolf Harris: “Kids Can Say No” 1985 Full Video

  1. Sally Jolly

    I found the full video, a few hours ago- here it is:

    What an absolute sicko!!

  2. Sally Jolly

    What about the lyrics contained within that song: “…my body, to be USED as I choose…” Listen to the song carefully, it’s obvious that a PAEDOPHILE wrote it!

  3. Sally Jolly

    Funny how the full version of the video has been removed due to a ‘copyright’ claim. What a joke, trying to protect a paedophile, thank God for the British justice system.

  4. Reblogged this on Desiring Progress and commented:
    This is not nice to watch, but important to have on file.

  5. The children that were abused by him!!! i can’t imagine what they felt having watched this “PERVERT”? on TV, Knowing what he had done to them so confusing for a Child Oh it is so sad………But thanks GOJAM for all your time and effort you put in to this.

  6. Sabre

    I’ve had to face howling mobs wanting to burn down what was once my Party’s HQ, but that video was scary !!!