Exclusive: Rupert Murdoch Gives Nazi Salute

Rupert Murdoch

From The Needle’s royal correspondent

A shocking photograph of media mogul Rupert Murdoch apparently giving a Nazi salute has emerged.

There is no way of verifying the context in which Rupert Murdoch makes this public gesture in support of Adolf Hitler but it is bound to be an image that he now regrets.

This public backing of the Anti-Semitic policies of the Nazis and the apparent support of the holocaust by Rupert Murdoch is sure to be controversial.

A spokesperson for Rupert Murdoch in response to our inquiries said, “What ? Who are you?”

The spokesperson at no point denied that the photograph of Rupert Murdoch making this fascist salute in support of the architects of the Blitz was genuine.


Filed under Humour, Personal

9 responses to “Exclusive: Rupert Murdoch Gives Nazi Salute

  1. as above

    Never trusted you man, You know plenty but say fuck all.

  2. Becky

    Of course, anyone who has ever seen the content of the Sun has a pretty good idea of what he does with the other hand;)

  3. Becky

    In the photo, Murdoch is seen in the act of actually receiving the Nazi salute as opposed to giving it, because he is the Fuhrer himself:)

  4. PeopleWho

    Tonight in Australia:-

    But they used Exaro research, so caveat emptor.

  5. paul

    gojam,you’re good enough to get a job on the sun. exactly the same technique they use.

  6. joekano76

    Reblogged this on TheFlippinTruth.

  7. PeopleWho

    Sorry, you are kidding, yes?

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