BBC ‘Payola Scandal’ The Neill Report

Many thanks to Martin Walkerdine for passing this report on to me.

Firstly, a story from The Telegraph which will give readers some background to the scandal and below that are three links to the 33 pages of the  report. (if there are problems accessing this then please let me know.)


It was a sex scandal that engulfed the BBC and epitomised the “swinging” times.

More than 40 years ago, the corporation’s top disc jockeys and executives were caught up in the most tawdry of allegations — that in return for playing their records, music companies hired prostitutes for them.

Orgies were arranged involving BBC staff, call girls and others at the house of a brothel-keeper in Kensington in west London. From behind a two-way mirror, other executives and celebrities looked on.

Prostitutes were also provided at hotels and other locations in the West End.

The claims, dating back to 1971, shocked the public, and the police launched an investigation into what became known as the “payola” scandal.


Neill Report Disclosure Document 1

Neill Report Disclosure Document

2RFI20121350 – final response


Filed under Abuse, News, Yewtree

4 responses to “BBC ‘Payola Scandal’ The Neill Report

  1. dpack

    the see through mirror suggests a possibility that some of those being rewarded were also being filmed and thereby controlled by stick as well as carrot.
    the allegations at this time re totp and “moral danger” add to the timelines of several issues.

  2. the telegraph requires a subsciption which I don’t want. I once followed the telegraph for alternative bias but no longer possible.

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