Statement re: Operation Midland and Fairbank

Bury the name and you bury the shame…


The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has today, Monday, 19 October, brought together all the various strands of non-recent child abuse allegations under a newly formed investigation team led by Detective Superintendent Ang Scott.

Whilst we are not prepared to give a running commentary on any ongoing live investigation, as Operations Midland and Fairbank have progressed officers identified a number of people and locations that were common to both enquiries. It is therefore operationally important to have the same officer in charge of these enquiries. This team will also be responsible for the preparatory work required to support the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.

This team will continue to investigate the various operations that are ongoing, including those historical allegations of impropriety by police officers dealing with sexual abuse in the period 1970-2005.

Detective Superintendent Scott, who is based within the Sexual Offences, Exploitation and Child Abuse (SOECA) Command, will oversee the work of officers from the Homicide and Major Crime Command, Directorate of Professional Standard and SOECA. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Steve Rodhouse remains as the Gold Commander.

To date the MPS has received 48 allegations of historical impropriety by police officers dealing with sexual abuse, during the period of 1970 to 2005. The Independent Police Complaints Commission is currently managing 29 of these.


Filed under Abuse, Fairbank, News

11 responses to “Statement re: Operation Midland and Fairbank

  1. Because of the events of March, and the fact that Chris Fay found the Holy Grail, hidden inside the Elm Guest House List, the inquiry is now moving back onto Elm Guest House. Not to the house itself, but the people who visited there, who are on the list, and their associates.

  2. dpack

    and although the msm are mostly ignoring this development the independant had a few extra details which if correct seem to suggest that these papers are not from the castle files but have been provided to john mann by the original compiler.

  3. dpack

    courtney had a very interesting life,as a very junior officer on hms renown where i think he met dickie(and another well known royal on the australian jaunt) and during his submarine days which brought him into contact with the eastern med/balkan soe/6 crew (which included henniker 8 and some of whom formed the core of the monday club) and he(hms seraph) was involved with insertion and extraction until about 1948 (this probably included the insertions behind the iron curtain organized by philby.)

    his entry to parliament was to replace the incumbent mp in his seat who was “caught”cottaging with a guardsman iirc.during his career in parliament his interests were mostly naval/nuclear but one notable exception was his questions regarding centralized records of children in care which i conclude may well have been related to identity theft (see sue ryder /newport bdm records etc etc etc).

    although a spookier chap than most it is plausible that after dickie and neave were killed he decided that things had gone too far and hence assisted dickens but it is possible his help was not intended to be helpful.

    ps there are credible rumours of his involvement in a variety of very dodgy things and with some very dodgy people especially in the 1960’s london club scene.

    tdf may well be correct that blaming the long dead could be seen as convenient but when other information is included and a context constructed there is a high probability of some dark secrets being exposed in the process.
    my instinct is that would be seen as too high a risk to take,for the darker side of the powers that be it would have been better for these documents to remain lost.

  4. tdf

    The article seems to imply that among Dickens’ sources – albeit indirectly – were two Conservative MP’s – both considerably older than him, and both of whom were quite elderly by the early 1980s – one of which whom was a leading Monday Club member, a Royal Navy Commander, an intelligence officer, and, at one point, “victim of a plot apparently instituted by the KGB to discredit him” and the other of whom was apparently descended from a man who was “one of the earliest British politicians to have had their voice recorded”, who in turn was descended from a man who was Governor of the Bank of England during the 1797 currency crisis, and a friend of William Pitt the Younger, no less.

    Of course, all – including Dickens – are long deceased, and cannot speak to their own recollections. Leon Brittan, the minister that Dickens met with to hand over his file, is also deceased, albeit more recently. Now, call me a cynic, but it could be argued that this is rather convenient.

  5. dpack

    i assume this will go to this branch of investigations

    yee har.i wonder if it is the archived one that was alleged to be in a library or if it “turned up” on a gov file shelf?

    • dpack

      i do also hope that it has been scanned and archived securely just in case the “dog ate my homework” factor comes into play yet again.

  6. what a genius idea!
    … the bright spark who finallly thought of this, deserves a promotion!

  7. artmanjosephgrech

    a very important posts which needs to be circulated widely

  8. joekano76

    Reblogged this on TheFlippinTruth.

  9. dpack

    tis sensible to put convergent cases under one command,i wish you well d supt scott and hope you and your team will get results.

    whether or not the criminal is available for legal proceedings and a jury can decide upon the evidence or dead but the evidence would have been such as to put before a jury had the criminal been alive tell it as it is,the truth matters and should be told to a court or directly to the public (and to an inquiry that is allegedly supposed to find the mistakes of the past and recommend measures to prevent such things in the future).

    that the ipcc have so far been given 29 identified as plausible “dubious handling”cases as ongoing jobs is a start .

    once you (and they) are all up and running there will be a need for extra staffing (like pallial needed) in order to process the volume of ugly things you are almost certainly going to find.

    on a personal note from one researcher to another ,remember that you need time out rather than burn out,this stuff takes a high price on those who look for truth.

    ps it isnt just about victims in the past and holding the guilty to account it is also about preventing victims in the future.

    “keep a lid on this”is unacceptable.

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