Paedophile Informant In The Home Office 1975

Roy Jenkins, photographed in 1967

Roy Jenkins, Home Secretary 1974 – 1976

This passage (below) in former Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)  executive member and paedodophile apologist Tom O’Carroll’s book, Paedophilia – The Radical Case,  which is an inside history of PIE , has always intrigued me. It appears to demonstrate that the paedophile network had either a member or supporter within the Home Office in 1975.

Though it can’t be proven, it is implied that this PIE informant was close to the then Labour Home Secretary Roy Jenkins in some kind of official capacity.

One outcome of the MIND conference was the suggestion to Keith [Hose] that PIE should submit evidence to the Home Office Criminal Law Revision Committee on the age of consent. With amazing despatch Keith did exactly this, preparing and submitting the seventeen-page document discussed in Chapter 6 in a matter of weeks, without the benefit of research time or facilities at his disposal. What’s more, we have it on reliable authority that his work caught the imagination of no less a figure than the Home Secretary of the time, Roy Jenkins. He is said to have been impressed (our informant did not tell us whether he actually agreed with anything proposed), but added words to the effect: ‘Of course, it hasn’t a hope in hell.’

Chapter 11 Paedophilia- The Radical Case


Filed under Abuse, News, Politics

28 responses to “Paedophile Informant In The Home Office 1975

  1. trowelandtoothbrush

    AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH I have Hilda Murrel obsession syndrome. Has anyone heard of healthy truth seekers being seized with this before?

  2. trowelandtoothbrush

    Robert Greene say’s when he did a talk promoting his book in 2012 that the Andrew George was “enticed” into the “appalling operations that went on to abduct my aunt”.

  3. trowelandtoothbrush

    Oh Bless you. I know you were’nt. In fact I appreciate you saying that very much though. One of the reasons I like this blog is there is hardly any distracting in fighting on it and that it leads to real progress. Your mindfulness in addressing my post will be an example to me when I disagree in future. One Love

  4. trowelandtoothbrush

    I know and I thought a lot about putting it up there but this is why I did, it looks like Shropshire was a hotbed for CND after the war not least because of this thing (which must have been a real worry for locals during the Falklands conflict) And the idea that many of these activists would have been the good old well meaning middle classes, civic minded, conservationist (I think that was word used before environmentalist) and that sort of thing would have brought Percy Thrower into easy contact with them. Then the fact that he was brought up right in the heart of the establishment. A retainer almost. I’m not saying he was a professional spy but I believe he could have been easily utilized if required to monitor particularly active CND members that he came into contact with through conservation. I won’t labour the omissions on his wiki page cause I explained that at length. And the OBE in the same year as Hilda Murrel’s death. I do feel that a bit silly and I will not mention it again unless I can really substantiate anything and I won’t go hunting for shadows. Promise.

    The Jewish connection I think might hold tight. Jews that I have come into contact with are very proud of how tight their communities and I feel someone must have known Janner was as bent as a nine bob bit. She had her Jewish connection in his family area. Anyway admittedly I am newer to this research than a lot of you and I’ll try to stick to joining one dot at a time. With slightly red chops over and out.

    • Sabre

      Wasn’t maliciously undermining you. You just have to be careful everything in this world is loosely coupled to everything else.

  5. Sabre

    @trowel all a bit of a stretch, I hope you’re not taking the piss you little tinker you. Lol

  6. trowelandtoothbrush

    Barry George, aquitted of the Jill Dando murder also from a children’s home wasn’t he. What a world of coincidences we live in.

  7. trowelandtoothbrush

    And Hilda Murrel helped to settle Czechoslovakian Jewish refugee’s during the war. she retained life long friends amongst them. Did she get to hear ugly stories through the Shrewsbury/Welsh Jewish community about the likes of Grenville Janner? This lady was well connected in her quiet way. Did she have the whole shebang worked out? Had she already spoken to Andrew George about possible abuse in care? Does anyone know if Andrew George or his brother were ever in Bryn Alyn? It’s not very far away from shrewsbury. He broke down sobbing and shouted out “you Bastards” at his sentencing. Indeed…

  8. trowelandtoothbrush

    I have just come across the oddist little thing. It is well documented that Hilda Murrel sold her family business to Percy Thrower and a business partner Duncan Murphy in 1970, now called Harley Nursery. Now on the Harley Nursery page they say they bought the nursery from “the late great Hilda Murrel” whereas Percy Throwers wiki page describes him in partnership with Duncan Murphy buying Murrels of Shrewsbury which became the Percy Thrower garden centre. End of story about that connection. No link to Hilda Murrel or strangely to the Murrel family business who were important in Shrewsbury’s horticultural history. It might seem really mind boggling detail to some of you but if your into gardens it would seem like a funny link to leave off a top gardeners wiki page when it’s of importance to the craft. Also there is no link to the Percy Thrower Garden centre which still exists under that name having been taken over by Garden and Leisure in 2000. Why on earth no link to his most obvious legacy?

    Percy Thrower had strong and formative establishment ties. He was born at Horwood House, near Bletchley, where his father was head gardener. He was a garden apprentice at Windsor Castle and married the head gardeners daughter. The head gardener, Charles Cooke was moved from Windsor to Sandringham because of conflict with Edward VIII and Wallace Simpson. Queen Mary (later Queen Mother) in widowed residence at Sandringham instigated the move. Upon Percy Thrower’s marriage to Cooke’s daughter Queen Mary presented the couple with a set of Buslem china dishes. Percy Thrower was Shrewsbury Parks superintendent from 1946 to 1974 and was in partnership with Duncan Murray for seventeen years up till the year before his death 1988. Did Hilda ever talk to Percy Thrower about her environmental concerns was he asked by the establishment to spy on her, get her confidence? Was he able to get gen on early anti nuclear environmentalists horticultural groups. It’s a good place to spy on radical Green’s. It’s crazy I know. Anyway he received an MBE in 1984.

    take it from me please that stephen milligan made a speech which was seen as not supportive of israel, he was also very careful of the israeli pressure groups trying to peddle their opinions to politicians, this is why they killed him in the way they did
    MI6 were aware of many sexual habits of politicians and he was normal and straight and actually monogamous.
    internal documents suggest mossad kill 5=6 people in the UK per year
    and without revealing too much gareth williams was placed unconscious into the bag in order to carry him out of the building, gareth had stumbled onto israeli spy rings in the UK while looking at codes in iraq
    gareth who was fiercely proud of his hunble welsh origins, would often use welsh language on the phone to confuse those listening in, it is known that among the kidron israeli killers here at that times were welsh specailists

    • Sabre

      If “Brian” had provided the background that you have he may have got a better hearing. I am of course assuming that you aren’t Brian.
      Do you have a Hansard ref?

    • Sabre

      The use of Welsh is as unlikely to stump the GCHQ linguists as the use of a simple XOR encryption is to stump their cryptography specialists of which Gareth was one.

  10. trowelandtoothbrush

    Beg pardon should have searched this blog first re Hilda Morrel.

  11. trowelandtoothbrush

    Tam Dalyell seemed to be shaking Leon Brittan’s tree in 1984. Big year for cover ups it seems,5489256

  12. trowelandtoothbrush

    Just came across the case of murdered CND activist Hilda Murrel in1984 quite far down the comments somebody makes the links that James Rusbridger was working on similar stuff to that which Hilda Murrel was protesting against. I was also struck by the fact that a 16 year old from what has been described here as a foster home was convicted. Hilda’s own nephew (get a load of what position he had held) campaigned against this and wrote the book reviewed here. What does Leon Brittan know about this?


  14. trowelandtoothbrush

    Here’s an article in the Independent on James Rusbridger from 1994. It was the first piece I read and I thought the tone of the article says a lot. Didn’t know his cousin wrote Spy Catcher. Any way thanks Brian and also was the children’s home you speak of in Cornwall near Rushbridger’s rented cottage? off to do more homework before Google take loadsa stuff down!

  15. brian mitchell

    message from brian
    One needs a basis in knowledge to follow what i say, for those who have not the intelligence or knowledge, i wuld say please do your homework
    and becky get a life please

    • Homework done, knowledge acquired.
      I am likely to have agreed with you had you been specific rather than general !

  16. Cj aka Elderofzyklons Blog

    Reblogged this on ElderofZyklon's Blog!.

  17. Reblogged this on Thinking Out Loud and commented:
    “caught the imagination of no less a figure than the Home Secretary of the time, Roy Jenkins.Roy Jenkins. He is said to have been impressed (our informant did not tell us whether he actually agreed with anything proposed), but added words to the effect: ‘Of course, it hasn’t a hope in hell.’”

    Indeed it had not, not then, not now, not ever. These paedophilic flights of fancy are only acceptable within a very small ‘select’ group of people that so many of them are alleged to be politicians was the surprise.

  18. brian

    It may come as a bit of a shock to most people, but Roy jenkins loved the ladies a bit too much, Mi5 looked into him but as his sexual appetite was normal they left him alone, they did warn several MPs about ‘un natural practises ” and i rember seeing some info sheets on this at the time,
    Mi5 knew about most of the perverts going back to anthony blunts time before W W Ii, the danger was that the soviets who had penetrated parliament would blackmail these men over activities with young boys
    as happened in the [redacted] case.
    It was known that the soviets funded a boys home and staffed it with leftish homosexuals so when the boys were sodomised the soviets knew they had them for life.
    A chap named rusbridger whistleblew on this and the jews took revenge by killing him in such a way as it looked like he was a homosexual pervert
    which he was not

    • Interesting. Many thanks.

      If you feel you can, could you email me? I’d like to know the source for much of this info.

    • Why did ” the Jews” kill him ?
      Milligan died (was killed) in similar circumstances at around the same time, did “the Jews” kill him? If so why?
      Who are ” the Jews” ? Yossi from Stamford Hill? Israeli Intel assets? Pro Israeli Brits?

    • Becky

      So all paedos are “Jews, Communists and Homosexuals”? Suddenly you lose all credence because you obviously have your own politically twisted, ulterior motives for spreading such nonsense.

      • Becky

        Btw…reply was addressed to “Brian”.

      • It was clear that Brian was being addressed.
        I saw the film, Brian is in fact a Jew himself and a very naughty boy to boot. He must write Romani ite domum 100 times by sunset or I’ll cut his balls off !