Michael Gove: A Paedophile’s Unwitting Friend?

Westminster Confidential

Michael Gove is not known for being shy and retiring when it comes to forcing decisions on the nation’s schools. Yet rather curiously he has disclosed that he has no intention of intervening to ensure that when children are sexually abused in the nation’s state funded and private schools that the incident should be reported.

My colleagues Frederika Whitehead and Mark Conrad have written the full story for Exaro News ( see http://www.exaronews.com/articles/4999/michael-gove-blocks-move-to-force-schools-to-report-sex-abuse) .

Put simply he has written to Cheryl Gillan, the ex-minister and Tory MP for nearby Chesham and Amersham, saying that he is against mandatory reporting of allegations to the specific local officer  because it could ” swamp ” officialdom ” with every incident reported”. He says : ” schools should be trusted to make their own professional judgement ” to report the matter.

This statement is extraordinary for two reasons. Why does Gove think authorities…

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12 responses to “Michael Gove: A Paedophile’s Unwitting Friend?

  1. Zoompad

    Some “gay” people get married as a cover. Not making any allegations, just saying

  2. nuggy

    reporting and taking action are two different things to report acustion agianst someone is not the same as decaireing them guilty.

    it just call the accuser a liar without investigating as it is to declare someone just because they have been accused.

    obviously some allegations are false but u until you investigate you don’t know there false.

    • Zoompad

      I bet most are true. It takes a lot of courage to stand up and say “I HAVE BEEN SEXUALLY ASSAULTED” with everyone looking on. Its not a nice thing to have to do, and as for a means of making money, well, why would any dishonest person choose that way, when there are far easier ways to make money?

  3. You Would Cry Too If it Happened To You

    Lillian Hellman, good Leftie that she was, and her play The Children’s Hour (based on a Scottish case from the Regency Era, updated to the 20th C.); an unjust accusation against a teacher can be made by a child him/herself– it isn’t always bizarro parents and overzealous child-“welfare” workers, as in all those “Satanic-ritual preschools” cases in America. The older the child, the more likely they will have the sophistication involved in concocting a plausible story, and the malice required to do so. Do not for a moment fool yourself that a 12- or 13-year-old is incapable of doing this. There has to be some sort of screening mechanism to sieve out the founded from the unfounded accusations. Sadly, I see no way other than that hoary old saw about letting ten guilty walk than let one innocent be convicted.

    • I think you can go to far.
      It’s one thing to presume the innocence or the defendant, quite another to presume the victim is guilty of lying. This is where the balance has become out of kilter.

      “The older the child, the more likely they will have the sophistication involved in concocting a plausible story, and the malice required to do so. Do not for a moment fool yourself that a 12- or 13-year-old is incapable of doing this.”- It is comments like this that I despair of.

      • Zoompad

        All lawyers should have their CVs and their past cases published out in the open for people to see, because the paedophiles are getting themselves trained up as lawyers and they are defending their paedophile network.
        If people could see trending of lawyers who choose to defend paedophiles and the background of those lawyers we might have a chance of stopping this insanity.

  4. Speechless, What a Country We Live In!!!

  5. guy fawkes

    I don’t think there is such reporting to the authorities in the public school system.

  6. nuggy

    i thought it had always been the law that all allegations had to be reported im shocked by this.

  7. Principle5000

    I find this Rather Creepy
    I am Very Disgusted

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