Crown Prosecution Service Asked To Review The “Extreme Pornography” Law

These kind of incidences don’t help genuine victims of abuse and greater clarity in the law, especially given that the police have already said that they are unable to prosecute everyone in the UK found to have viewed indecent images online, is most welcome.

Also reported in The Independent

Frankly, the arresting police look pretty foolish over this.


Let me tell you a legal joke. A man walks into a Court. He’s charged with an offence under Section 63 of The Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 of being in possession of an “extreme pornographic” video of a woman having sex with a tiger.

The video was sent to him by a friend, unsolicited, as a joke. He had no idea what the content of the video was before opening it. Yet the defendant was arrested at his home address, interviewed by the police under caution, charged, then bailed to the Magistrates’ Court and finally sent to the Crown Court. It was here that the Judge requested the video be played in full, with the sound on, in open Court.

The play button was pressed.

It turned out the “tiger” was a man in a tiger-skin costume, who turns to the camera and says: “That’s Grrreat”.

Obscenity Lawyer Blogspot


Filed under Abuse, News

4 responses to “Crown Prosecution Service Asked To Review The “Extreme Pornography” Law

  1. Sabre

    No wonder Cabinet Ministers buggering children present them with problems with ‘ borderline cases ‘

  2. Sabre

    The average criminal must be as thick as shit if they are getting caught by cops of this calibre and successfully prosecuted by the CPS.

  3. Sabre

    When they aren’t losing documents they fill their time with mistaking 160 lb humans with 660 lb carnivorous felines and confusing live humans with dead ones ( unless they believe that human females can survive an encounter with a randy tiger! )

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