PIE: Charles Oxley Interview 1983

Charles Oxley who infiltrated PIE

Charles Oxley who infiltrated PIE

Asked how he, Charles Oxley, was sure that members of PIE actually abused children, he replies,

“Because I’ve heard them boast about their activities [at PIE committee meetings]. One of them boasted about an afternoon he spent with two boys on the river Thames.”

I wonder who he could be talking about ?

Extract of Charles Oxley interview begins 10 minutes in.

BBC Radio 4


Filed under Abuse, Cayacos, Fairbank, News, Politics

11 responses to “PIE: Charles Oxley Interview 1983

  1. Charles Oxley RN fanatic and sadistic beater of boys…. Oh how he loved chastising boys…. With young girls he was so so so very different.

    PIE was not to his liking due to its fixation on boys, Oxley had bigger fish to fry, his pals Fairburn et all got him a discount to buy hamilton college school.

  2. Reblogged this on Desiring Progress and commented:
    Further to the material I posted earlier this month on Charles Oxley, who infiltrated PIE, and was also close to both Geoffrey Dickens and Mary Whitehouse ( http://ianpace.wordpress.com/2014/07/08/mary-whitehouse-and-charles-oxley-on-pie-and-another-letter-to-leon-brittan/ ) , see this from earlier this year on the Needle blog, featuring an interview with Oxley

  3. Pingback: Mary Whitehouse and Charles Oxley on PIE – and another letter to Leon Brittan | Desiring Progress

  4. green

    http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=NRA-AAAAIBAJ&sjid=9UkMAAAAIBAJ&pg=3692,4892028&dq=paedophile-information-exchange&hl=en (+ article referred to at end
    Oxley: “These are evil people who seek to gain the confidence of children in parks and playgrounds and even manage to become family friends so they can get youngsters alone to carry out their activities. I urge mothers and fathers to write to their MPs calling for Parliament to proscribe this group.”

  5. Andy Barnett

    “One of them boasted about an afternoon he spent with two boys on the river Thames.”
    If this is a reference to the late EH, then that is a major claim – that an ex-PM sat on the committee of PIE! He must be talking about someone else, surely…

  6. dpack

    brave chap ,didnt like what he heard about pie and went undercover to gather intel seems to be the background from what i have read .

    i think there is info about this in the needle archives

  7. Jack

    Hmmmm can someone explain again what Oxley was up to and how his involvement with PIE all came about ?