OMG! – The MoJ Media Machine Shifts into Overdrive!

Support for Survivors of Childhood Abuse

What a pleasant surprise – the MoJ accepts that male rape exists! Like internet porn, it is taking the higher ground! ……Lord….this Government is good!

On the day that the “cornflake” gets acquitted, the government announces £500,000 to provide advice and counselling to the estimated 72,000 men who need it each year. This is clearly a step in the right direction – but let us examine those numbers a fraction more closely:-

By my reckoning £500,000 across 72,000 people amounts to approximately £70 per head.  In reality, this might just about cover the administration for booking the first appointment, but any meaningful support is going to cost a minimum of £5,000 per head to have any really profound impact (say 26 sessions at £200), and thus the budget looks a bit thin (almost pathetic) for 72,000 people this year! Additionally this “one-off” budget is meant to deal with “historical victims…

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8 responses to “OMG! – The MoJ Media Machine Shifts into Overdrive!

  1. BoredofLife

    Three points: 1. Both Alice Moore and gw are correct: Google do make a killing from porn and could remove all of it at will and of course child abuse happened long before Google and will continue a long time after!
    2. Alice you are wrong, I know from personal experience it is not just Old men abusing kids, it is also kids abusing kids! 3. Sorry Gojam but your reckoning is way off…..£500,000 for 72,000 cases works out at around £7 per victim!

  2. anon

    The point being…..why limit this to historical cases under 13 years of age??? Either it is universal, or it is under-funded!!!!????

    • prefer to remain anonymous

      Yes I wonder – as not all government departments seem as keen on dealing with historic abuse of late.

  3. green

    This can only be a good thing. Unfortunately, there are still idiots out there who consider this a joke and take the rapists’ side.

  4. Alice Moore

    Cameron is in bed with Google who make a killing out of porn – all kinds of porn. They could wipe it off the internet if they had the will to do it, but they don`t. Male rape exists. Yes it does. Old men abusing young kids.

    • gw

      To put it politely, I disagree heavily. Child abuse has been happening long before google and, unfortunately, it will happen a long time after google.

  5. prefer to remain anonymous

    MoJ got hacked recently too. What odd timing. Clearly one big coincidence!

  6. prefer to remain anonymous

    Really? About time!