What Do The Taliban And The BBC Have In Common ?


Before……. and After the Taliban


Before and……and After the BBC

Yes, that’s right, they both destroy great works of art in pursuit of their closed minded ideology.

Banksy, to my mind the UK’s greatest living artist (and actually, yes, I could justify that statement) created a piece of meaningful art outside of BBC Television Centre in central London which summed up just how disillusioned the British public, especially of my generation, feel right now. It was the poignant image of a young boy dropping his ‘Jim’ll Fix It’ medal into a drain. The BBC sent the workmen in to scrub it away.

Why ? Because it implied criticism of the corporation. All great art speaks, all great art stimulates thought, all great art, from Giotto via Manet’s ‘Olympia’ and beyond Picasso’s ‘Guernica’ to the present day, has been provocative.

The cultural philistines at the BBC can have as many Yentob inspired documentaries as they like but until they put artistic creation above managerial expediency they can never be a Corporation that Broadcasts for the British license fee paying public.

And do they own that hoarding ?

Does the BBC actually own that piece of hardboard that Banksy chose to place this artwork ?

And if the BBC are sued because a precious work of art has been destroyed and they didn’t own the hardboard hoarding opposite BBC Telivision Centre, who pays ?

Not the BBC management on their ludicrously high salaries, but all of us who pay the BBC license fee.

Just like McAlpine’s £185,000.


Filed under News

8 responses to “What Do The Taliban And The BBC Have In Common ?

  1. Pingback: How Elites and Media Minimize Dissent and Bury Truth | TheFlippinTruth

  2. Pingback: What Do The Taliban And The BBC Have In Common? « Anti Oligarch

  3. Pingback: What Do The Taliban And The BBC Have In Common? Like the Taliban, BBC Erase Banksy Artwork Which Exposed Their Internal Savile Cover-up | Sovereign Independent UK

  4. Pingback: Like the Taliban, BBC Erase Banksy Artwork Which Exposed Their Internal Savile Cover-up « 21st Century Wire

  5. Jennnifer Cartwell


    Read this entire wikpedia article and tell me that’s not fascist to have a fucking licence for a fucking appliance in the home.

    Gestapo motherfuckers spying on your house with trucks and getting search warrants to invade your home to check for a TV. My God!

    That is what the BBC and the Taliban have in common.

  6. fred smith

    To compare the stencilled scrawlings of the cump, “banksy” to the Buddhist statues that were destroyed by the talitubbies is pathetic.

    • How dare you sir….Pistols at dawn!


    • Jennnifer Cartwell

      I fully fucking agree. It hasn’t even confirmed to be “banksy” himself that did the graffiti. Vandalism of property you don’t own is a crime, we in this life do not get to go around decided where we spray our alleged “meaningful artworks” onto a wall and then (hahaha) “sue” people who clean it off their property. My God!

      The proper comparison with the Taliban and the BBC is that they are both something people are FORCED to participate in.