Daily Mirror Frontpage 30th Nov

I saw this on Twitter but now I’ve confirmed it from Sky News.

The fact that no MSM outlet has named Rolf Harris as the individual who had his home searched last weekend and was questioned under caution by the police over allegations that he had committed sexual crimes and has since left the police station, leads me to believe that he must have some kind of injunction.

But how can bloggers and Tweeters be responsible for breaking that legal injunction if we are unaware of it ?

And if we are made aware of it, then what would be the point of the injunction ?

I consider Mark Williams-Thomas to be an impecable source and he was catagorical in what he tweeted. He wrote “Would not have tweeted if not certain.”

So, we will end up with a farcical situation where everybody on the internet knows who the MSM are referring to , and yet the MSM can not name him.

How long before someone in the MSM names Rolf Harris ? How long can this farce go on ?

Rolf Harris has not been arrested and he has not been charged. He is innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.

But now I think it is in his own interests to make the facts known publically and end the online speculation.

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One response to “Daily Mirror Frontpage 30th Nov

  1. Reminds me of the ‘Case of the Princess’ Royal Breasts’, where the MSM, flim-flammed about like the arcane institution they are, desparate to hold onto the power and privilege they once had- until the Interwebs arrived-meanwhile anyone online had already seen the Sacred Mammaries if they were so minded, and had moved on…Which brings us to the thorny issue of the death of print and newspapers becoming solely digital, and eager to make money from subscriptions (if not advertising)- which will probably make them into worse blaggers and hackers than they are already, and any ‘meaningful’ regulation will all fall down or lead to new laws to control the use of the net for everybody…