Former Senior Jersey Police Officers Speak Out.

A prominent member of the yachting fraternity

Jersey’s former Chief Officer Graham Power and former Deputy Chief Officer Lenny Harper, both brought in to investigate Haute de la Garenne child abuse,  and who the Jersey authorities have done so much to try and discredit but who are increasingly looking like the only honest senior cops ever to have served in Jersey, have spoken out.  Lenny Harper says, in a must read article,

 “Savile chose his victims with great care; vulnerable and often troubled youngsters many in care homes. If they complained they were labelled troublemakers, or brutally put down. We know from court cases and statements made to my team [during the 2008 inquiry] that children in Jersey care homes were ‘loaned out’ to members of the yachting fraternity and other prominent citizens on the pretence of recreational trips but during which they were savagely abused and often raped.”

“When these children complained they were beaten and locked in cellars [at Haut de la Garenne], which the Jersey authorities denied existed in 2008, but which can still be seen on YouTube footage. What chance did they have? This would have been the perfect hunting ground for Savile. The great and good of Jersey fawn over anyone with even loose connections to British royalty. Saville would have been a VIP to them and children would not have stood a dog’s chance of complaining about him. It would have been so easy for him.”

Full story Daily Telegraph

The impression that the Jersey authorities give is that the entire Haute de la Garenne abuse case is a storm in a tea cup BUT despite this attempt at rewriting history the facts are clear: Seven former members of staff at the home have since been convicted of abuse, and to date compensation has been agreed for over 100 victims, with many more civil cases pending. Police had allegations against 150 individuals. “The former Jersey Chief Officer Graham Power says the fact that more than 100 victims on Jersey have now received out-of-court settlements and a significant number of civil cases are still pending illustrates the scale of the abuse.” Quite, and it possibly means that the terms of those ‘out-of-court’ settlements might hinder a criminal investigation.

Everybody with knowledge seems to be reluctant to name names. Harper continues describing a senior “no holds barred” abuser,

“I can tell you that two staff members who abused her at another home have been imprisoned, and the authorities have agreed financial compensation for her. But another man in a position of authority who regularly visited Haut de la Garenne and abused her there is still free and now employed in a responsible position by the state.”

The Telegraph article also goes on to make the link between Haute de la Garenne and other children’s homes, specifically Islington. However, I can do no better than to supply you with a link, Here, in the Daily Mail, by ‘award winning journalist’ Eileen Fairweather, who first made this connection in 2008.

Rumours are swirling around every quarter of the establishment, and, as the only person who seems to have supreme power in Jersey is the Queen, failure on her part to remove William Bailhache who is the island’s Attorney General, and also Deputy Bailiff to his own brother Bailiff Sir Philip Bailhache from office without delay could be seen to reflect badly, or worse, on the royal family.

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One response to “Former Senior Jersey Police Officers Speak Out.

  1. Reblogged this on Rote Mutter ~ Red Mother and commented:
    Savour these lines:

    ““When these children complained they were beaten and locked in cellars [at Haut de la Garenne], which the Jersey authorities denied existed in 2008, but which can still be seen on YouTube footage. What chance did they have? This would have been the perfect hunting ground for Savile. The great and good of Jersey fawn over anyone with even loose connections to British royalty. Saville would have been a VIP to them and children would not have stood a dog’s chance of complaining about him. It would have been so easy for him.”
    Which reminds me – how dare the so called common public talk about children’s life being destroyed by sexual abuse? Does you, the general public, want these children to be destroyed so they can be kept silent for ever?