Muslim Child Sex Grooming Gangs In The UK

I want to put together a comprehensive list of all cities that have had issues with Muslim child sex grooming gangs (time to start calling them what they are)
These are just off the top off my head. If you have more examples, please reply with a link and I’ll edit the list. This post may look scrappy while I’m still working on it.
Rotherham –
Bradford –
Telford –
Peterborough –
Derby –
Bristol –
Leeds –
Leicester –
Barnsley –
Scotland –
London –


Filed under Abuse

45 responses to “Muslim Child Sex Grooming Gangs In The UK

  1. Mark Wolff

    Who let people from an alien culture and medieval mindset into the country in the first place. They didn’t ask me if it was ok! They didn’t ask any of my friends either.
    If they want Islam they should leave, and before they go to fight / whatever, we should take their passports off them and bye…..bye

    See how they get on with no DSS, NHS and free schooling for their kids.

  2. Jamie

    It’s time to stop hiding behind the ‘Asian’ label or Pakistani for that matter. The latest crop as reported on the BBC do not look like they are Pakistani.

    I guarantee though they are all muslim. This is an Islamic problem and nothing else. The sooner western countries wake up to that fact the sooner it can be tackled.

    If you deny the connection between this and Islam then you are no more than a useful idiot.

    • Did you read the title ?

      • Jamie

        Yes Indeed. When I said ‘you’ I didn’t actually mean you personally. I was lashing out at the establishment such as the BBC for glossing over this fact. Apologies. I’m glad this is finally being debated more openly.

  3. John Lohgan

    And today Staffordshire Police and Stoke on Trent Council announce findings into large scale sex abuse in the County, but fail to mention despite leaving clues such as “late night economy” “Taxi drivers” “takeaways”, “Cultural groups”, “not another Rotherham”, that its Muslims carrying out these crimes.

  4. Eldad

    One that’s not hit the national news yet is:

    which does involve the Muslim community AND others,

  5. dpack

    he didnt make an effectively noisy fuss six years ago but maybe another town to add to the list

  6. The Saturday Morning Poem ( forgive the impertinence Gojam )

  7. @Kittiwake, A couple of references for you, media references so you will have to try and find the primary academic references yourself.

    I haven’t picked “The Daily Fail” or the BNP website, I thought we’d try the militant liberalistas at the Beeb. South African Survey 25% of men ADMIT AT LEAST ONE RAPE ( men, women and children ) South Asia sexual abuse of young boys, not even regarded as wrong!
    Apparently women and girls are hard to come by so the little boys take the brunt of it, the fairer the better apparently.

    Seeing any parallels?

    • From that BBC South Asia report: “All this seems to be a result of the rigid segregation of men and women in Pakistan, which is most seriously enforced in the Pashtoon areas of the North. Under Pashtoon culture it is very difficult for a young man to interact with the opposite sex – particularly in the rural areas. Young boys therefore become the targets of abuse”.

      This is also very common in conservative Catholic communities; Latin America, Mexico, Spain, Italy…for exactly the same reason – the insane necessity for a bride to be a complete virgin. There is even documentation of this back in 15th century Italian cities, where wealthy young men who acheived puberty at age 16 but were considered of marriageable age until 25, had teenaged “boyfriends” with female nicknames from poorer families. The poor boys received “gifts” that could be liquidated into ‘cash’ for the family, and/or the poor families got social-political favors helping them to rise out of their class. This has been cited as evidence of “gay” culture in that time, but really it is child prostitution. The other way for such young men to have socially sanctioned sex before marriage is with girls who ARE NOT OF THEIR OWN COMMUNITY.

      The point is, this insane virginity worship may be mysoginy, but is driven by RELIGIOUS beliefs and customs wherever it manifests. NO ATHEIST EVER SAYS: “I could never marry a woman who wasn’t a virgin”.

  8. Pingback: Friday track… The ‘Sound of Silence’ in Rotherham… (1400 known victims, industiral scale of child sex grooming… ”Nobody could say ‘I didn’t know” | shirlz007


    … AND THIS ISN’T A CONSPIRACY THEORY!!! it’s reality… the British Security Services MUST be not only aware of this culture of ‘Asian Men’… but actively ‘monitoring it’ (meaning… using it to their advantage/benefit)… otherwise it would not be happening…

    post a positive, uplifting track tonight please Needle Team! :)
    (The Pierces! new album… Creation’…. they are sooooooo sweet!) XD… everyday on Radio 2… twice… three times! BRILLIANT!

    The Pierces for Bond 25 Theme! (watch!) ;D

  10. stick your Islamaphobe talk where the son don’t shine… it’s that kind of cowardly, ‘P.C’, mincey talk that has allowed this culture to run rampant!

    Rochdale and other areas of Greater Manchester??? (Oldham? Burnley?)

    Super MP Simon Danzcuk (give him a cape)…
    Even our police are blinded by liberal dogma, writes SIMON DANCZUK.

  11. “And if right wing fascists take advantage of this then Muslims only have themselves to blame.”

    Well, this is the case in Bradford but there is a dimension that you are missing.

    First, I’ve taught in many of the inner city schools in Bradford and I know two that have active investigations into grooming. Yes, it involves Asian gangs and this is the important point, ‘gangs’. Also we have a particular criminal owned and run club in Bradford (the Mill) that also serves as a point for grooming and is bound up with the illicit drugs trade and involves ‘white’ extreme right wingers running it. Because these criminals have ‘dirt’ on certain local politicians and members of the Police (see the case of Paul Flowers for example), it is very hard for the authorities to shut it down. I have spoken to members of the Police force in Bradford on this issue and they, the honest coppers, are very frustrated at this state of affairs.

    My point is, and this is particularly the case with the Asian gangs, is that criminal and ‘drug’ identities are a far better identity reference marker than ‘Muslim’. I think if you looked a little closer you would see that this is indeed the case in those other cities too. Just food for thought Gojam and whilst I can speak on the situation in Bradford with a lot of authority, I can’t say the same for the other cities you cite. But to reiterate, ‘organised crime’ is going to serve as a better reference point and identity marker than the term ‘muslim’ if you want to cut to the heart of the matter.

  12. Kittiwake

    And by the way, British culture also looked down on these girls. They were already vulnerable and seen as complicit in their own abuse. A factor we see repeatedly in attitudes to rape victims. They were regarded as “undesirables” not worth rescuing.

    • I don’t think British culture looked down on these girls but obviously some establishment workers and authorities did and may still.

      Its important to educate everyone to respect the law and all people equally and that means those from a culture that denies equality must be shown that they cannot live that part of their culture in this or any other western country.

      This whole situation would never have arisen if people were properly educated and the law was enforced.

  13. “…the abusers often use the Muslim religion as both their excuse and their permission” – BINGO! Very well said, thank you.
    But more needs to be said, by way of clarification. The report does talk about muslim men of Pakistani heritage, specifically, and that may be significant.

    There isn’t anything about mainstream Koranic teachings that specifically mandates or legitimizes child rape. There are biblical passages of importance to Jews, Muslims and Christians that describe child marriage, but that’s not how these criminal gangs are rationalizing their crimes.

    If these men had immersed themselves in Wahhabist or Salafist teachings online, (the belief system of true radical Islam ala The Islamic State), they may have picked up the concept of “the kafir”. Kafir are non-believers or other muslims who don’t follow certain ultra-conservative practices. For Salafist muslims, kafir do not qualify as possessing any “human rights”.

    Most Pakistani muslims are not Salafists, but many do hold extreme cultural-religious MYSOGINIST attitudes about female “purity”. Males are not condemned for sexual activity before marriage, and can even have up to four wives if civil law allows that, but females must maintain total virginal purity before marriage and total fidelity to their husband. These unbalanced attitudes can be intensified by cultural traditions about HONOR. We’ve all heard about “honor killings” of girls and women, by other members of their own family, who are perceived to have violated this code in some way.

    A third contributing factor might be ethnic tribal attitudes carried over as family traditions from the Indian subcontinent, which imbue members with a sense of inherent superiority over persons who are not members of their own tribal group. Ethnic “racism”, if you wish.

    Combine all of this, and you can see how these criminals rationalize their crimes. White girls are inherently inferior “others”, just because they are not members of the correct ethnic tribe. They may also be kafir, and therefore less than human. If young men from this particular community approach them with even gestures of friendship, and the girls do not immediately flee and report the incident to males in their family (as their own sisters would be expected to do), then the men get to judge them as “having no honor” and therefore as deserving of being used & abused at will by any male.

    • Kittiwake

      It is emerging that girls from Pakistani backgrounds were also abused but pressurised not to speak out. Misogyny is the main driver here.

      • Kittiwake

        I heard a campaigner for ending abuse in Asian communities in the car on R4 yesterday. I’ll see if I can track it down later when I have the time.

        • Expect major revelations all weekend in MSM culminating in a BBC Panorama on Monday. Tuesday’s headlines dominated by Panorama revelations. (you heard it here first)

      • trippytaka

        Also, check section 11.14 of the report about abuse of Pakistani girls.
        Just the tip of the iceberg imho.

        And this will be my last few points about ethnicity and its role here-and it comes from the report itself and from the figures from this site:

        So, the overwhelming number of predators imprisoned appear to be white. But nobody is saying that White culture has a culture of rape. (Neither am I). Stories in the paper never have headlines that say “White men convicted of rape.” or “English men preying on girls,”

        I am saying that ALL cultures have a problem with this. Each one has its own specific problems and for the Pakistani community it has become one of grooming/horrific abuse and using community pressure to keep the silence. There is also bigotry in the way the predators have targeted girls of other races (I thought the report was sketchy on ethnicity of victims but maybe I didn’t read it right).
        However, the numbers do show a disproportionate amount of street grooming to be committed by Asians (of indistinct heritage) (see the caveats on the site, however). This criminal behaviour needs to be challenged and stopped by all communities without the race (or racist) card being played.

        I work in Australia with CSA victims and have done so for over a decade. The majority (95%+) that have presented to me have been white. The majority of their abusers have been white. Many of the stories coming out of this Rotherham sound similar to the ones I have heard(the majority of the clients I see have been adults from 18-70. I have seen hundreds in that time). Even those who were abused by powerful people in the 70s are still afraid. Those who were sold by their own families are still afraid. The silence continues here but at least we have had a royal commission into institutional abuse. However, there are whole other swathes of abuse that has not even been touched on yet.

  14. godhelpus

    Everyone should be named No matter what their Religion! Why should anybody receive special treatment? Child Abusers are Child Abusers! and should be punished. Most of these so called Religious people are not True to their Faith anyway………Yes time for change..

    • Kittiwake

      Yes, I think that’s a very good point. Most Muslims are appalled and don’t think Islam justifies such behaviour. There is a link though with ethnic background. Some cultures more than others are highly patriarchal and regard women and girls as lesser than men and boys, worthy of less respect. From there it’s not much of a leap to use and abuse them like dirt. This is about culture, not religion. Of course we know that British culture has been regarded as the sick man of Europe regarding paedophilia for years, but no-one would argue that’s a Christian thing.

  15. Alak

    Islamophobic targeting!

    • Hi Alak,

      Given that in today’s news we find out that taxi drivers (primarily Muslim) were giving lifts top underage girls in exchange for sexual favours and that the only person fired was a white taxi driver, I’d say that the authorities have acted in an anglophobic manner.

      It’s time for the majority of Muslims who are law abiding to recognise what they have within their midst but it can no longer be left to Muslims to clean their own stable.

      And if right wing fascists take advantage of this then Muslims only have themselves to blame.

    • anna

      Alak I am a female OAP and all I can say if any child /grandchild of mine was targeted by any Muslim gangs ,I would on my own (no need for any gangs)just little me on my own would hunt down and casterate any Muslim abuser I could find,I am sure in your Muslim religion you would do the same,my motto is if you cant beat em join em ,when in muslim dominated UK do as muslims do ,dont you agree an eye for an eye,or under muslim law loss off your right hand and penis ,I feel sure this will cure the muslim problem with our young white children/girls ASAP

  16. Reblogged this on Thinking Out Loud and commented:
    I wasn’t going to reblog this I feel those who know of other grooming gangs need to be able to give their information to the needleblog itself.

    So I just want to make it clear that in the same way catholic and other clergy have been identified as drawing both protection and support from their faith so some members of the Muslim religion are doing the same.

    Its very important that this subject in spite of any protests and the too easy cries of racism is given full publicity, there are people of the Muslim faith who have no idea how widespread has been the abuse, or that the abusers often use the Muslim religion as both their excuse and their permission.

    All those who think the subject can somehow be dealt with without mentioning the religion are living in a politically correct and delusional bubble. Its that bubble which has allowed the abuse to go on unpunished for so long.

    Time to change that.

    • trippytaka

      Well said. I actually think (and I’m from a Muslim background and have been subject to plenty of racism in my time) that some people can be so afraid of the heartbreaking consequences of inspecting their own communities for the this tragedy that they take the defensive a little too readily. It is never simple or pretty for this silence to be broken. It is like tearing down everything you ever believed in to reveal that ugly nature of people that are powerful. There will be resistance and it will hurt.

  17. WCI

    Catholic priests cant be compared to random moslems. It leaves a question mark over why pick out their religion (if they even follow it). I think in the current climate of public debate linked to the geo political state of the Middle East, highlighting a religious identity that is anyway unproven is potentially divisive. I’m afraid we don’t live in an intellectually pure public space, conclusions will follow.

    • WCI

      I guess the crux of this debate is having used Islam as a defining category, does this or any other religious identity determine abusive behavior?

    • Random ? You’ve got an odd definition of the word.

      I’m not posting about individual paedophiles who happen to be Muslim, these are all gangs of muslim men preying on young girls in cities across the country.

      If you think that is ‘random’ and not notable then I can’t help you Sherlock.

      • nuggy

        and there are gangs of white Englishmen doing it was well. all over the country.

      • trippytaka

        I agree wholeheartedly that you don’t go easy on any group but have you ever written this?
        “Yes, as it is Roman Catholic cultural behaviour,”
        “Yes, as it is gay cultural behaviour,”
        “Yes, as it is Mormon cultural behaviour,”
        This are dangerous labels that I think can be red herrings.

        Without a doubt, there are Muslims involved in abuse(I know because I am from a Muslim background and was abused and I know how powerfully the secret is kept locked up) but do you agree that the culture of rape extends throughout all cultures? For all the Muslims I was abused by, I was also abused by Christians, by men, women, boys and girls. They all appear to have been steeped in a culture of predation.
        Listening/reading these girls’ testimonies made me cry and and I am so glad that the story is out and I hope that they will find some resolution. It’s the hardest road to travel.
        I hope that next up will come the trickle of stories from within the Pakistani community of their own girls/boys being sexually abused. The silence is unbelievably difficult for them to break.

        I work with victims of abuse on a daily basis in Australia and have heard stories of children being sold for sex in exchange for meat trays and cigarettes by ‘good’ Christian families. The man who abducted Daniel Morcombe was a practicing Christian and I don’t think his actions were as random as the narrative would have us believe. I think that the labelling issue is fraught with dangers and I am yet to be convinced that any one culture have a higher tendency to abuse.

        It was interesting that even Andrew Norfolk detailed how it was certain Pakistani men(and he distinguished them from other Muslims communities) who were being convicted in higher numbers than any other community. My own theory is that those communities that collude to keep the secret of abuse are the ones creating the culture, not the other way around. (If that makes sense).

        Anyway, thank you for all the determined work you do on here. The secrets need to be exposed and this subject needs to continually have your light shone on it. Even though it is heartbreaking for us all to go through it again and again and again.

        • Hi yes I have.

          Especially, catholic and gay cultural behaviour. I’ve not looked at Mormons but I’ve looked at JWs, Anglicans, and Jews. I’ve also looked at public school cultural behaviour.

      • Kittiwake

        Abuse is “Islamic cultural behaviour” Wow gojam! Source?

  18. Excellent it should blow the cobwebs off those who think these are isolated incidents.

  19. Anon

    How about including the special interest groups from other religons?

    • You’ll find plenty on here from Jehova Witnesses to Catholics.

      I have no problem pointing the finger at any group.

      But you seem to have a problem with me identifying Muslims as offenders.

      • Anon

        I have no problem, but you appear to be joining in the MSM hysteria that detracts from the coverage of other categories of offenders – Christians (of many denominations), Jews, Freemasons, Lawyers, Local Government, National Government etc. etc.

        • I think a quick search of the blog would dispel any fear I go easy on any group.

          Right now it is the time to raise awareness of muslim child sex gangs because Rotherham has highlighted an issue which the public are shocked by, yet they don’t understand that Rotherham is only the tip of the iceberg. So, now I’m pushing on that to help get change.