The Tale Of A Child Abuse Addict

Ask yourself how you’d feel standing in a dock knowing that your family, former friends, and work colleagues know that you have been searching for child abuse images online, knowing that you’ll have to sign on to the sex offenders register, and that your children may have to face taunts from their peers ?

Ask yourself, is it worth it ?

If you are affected by the issues raised by this story call the Stop it Now!  helpline on 0808 1000 900

Redacting search engine results and sending warnings to people trying to access images of child pornography online are two approaches the Government has announced to combating paedophilia. But with more than 50,000 people in the UK looking at or downloading underage porn each year, child campaigners say much more needs to be done.

Tom, a married father of three in his 40s, started looking at porn late at night, often after a few glasses of wine, and quickly became interested in images of younger girls. Police tracked down Tom (not his real name) and in court he admitted he had downloaded about 5,000 illegal images. He received a two-year probation order and had to sign on the sex offenders register. But going to court was only the beginning of his sentence. Speaking to Paul Cahalan, Tom describes losing his job and being shunned by friends while his children faced chants of “Your dad’s a paedo” – and argues internet controls would have stopped him offending.

The Independent


Filed under Abuse, News

15 responses to “The Tale Of A Child Abuse Addict

  1. Principle5000

    Too Much Liberal Do Gooderism

    Too Little Concern about the Human Rights of Children Not to be
    Sexually Abused

    No Wonder Country gone to the Dogs

  2. LJMT

    I cannot say that this article leaves me with much sympathy for the offender. He sneaked off late at night to ogle porn, leaving his wife to sleep by herself, then further indulged his selfish fantasies by looking at younger and younger women. Even with the initial ones who were of age he had no business deluding himself that they would even be interested in colluding with his delusions had he met them, and furthermore he had a wife suitable for his actual age and stage and the mother of his children. What better? But then this idiot, who should have thought of the repercussions when he put his credit card number in, as he must have to get this child porn, wants us to pity him because a blocker might have prevented him. Actually he deliberately went wrong, he willfully entered his number, and he badly needs to stop lying to himself.

    • thank you as you have conveyed my sentiments very accurately, he really should know better and also know that he has ultimately lost the trust of his family and i hope they leave him as i would not be able to live or even be in the same room because he is obviously attracted to children but is ashamed that he got caught as the article mentions no seeking of help for his condition.

    • Sonophos

      You no longer have to enter your card number to get porn these days, there are many free sites that supply it at no charge. Paedophilic porn is exchanged in private chat rooms where you have to give to receive (David Cameron’s filter would not pick up exchanges in private chat rooms).
      There are many people out there (mostly men) who seem to treat porn as a collectors hobby with some prizing different kinds above others which leads them to naturally gravitate towards those with similar tastes. As with any obsessive collector they don’t really think that what they are doing is insane they just carry on doing it. The only people they talk to about their “hobby” are the people who share it so there is no-one to criticise them.
      Another problem is that the guy with new/unseen porn receives a lot of attention and that generally means he is creating it. The motivation in a lot of this crime is not monetary but reputational. This all happens within a closed online “community” that moves a person on to bigger harder things and puts the true monsters at the top of the tree where any kind of law enforcement operative has to wade through the rest of the “community” to get to them. Even if law enforcement tries to penetrate this “community” they have to commit a crime to get in by providing porn and building up a reputation within it.
      The best way to catch these criminals would be to use a covert live stream data and screen capture from a known offender who is unaware of the surveillance but this is, of course, illegal.

  3. Sonophos

    This blocking is NOT about keeping children safe and it is cretainly NOT about morality. This is about blocking our right to information; it is about blocking information that the government does not want you to see; it is about stopping you finding out who the criminals really are; it is about stopping you seeing the faces and names of Paedophile VIPs appearing on google image search; it is aboout COVERING UP THE TRUTH!!!! No matter what the pretense you should ALWAYS oppose censorship. YOU are responsible for the safety of your children and it is YOUR responsibility to see that they are safe online. Why didn’t Mr Cameron go down the route requiring PC manufacturers to install net nanny software and have locked down kid’s accounts on new built PCs which would be far more effective? I will tell you why: because he wants to block anything that shows you the corruption and criminality going on in government.

  4. Pingback: The Tale Of A Child Abuse Addict | justiceforkevinandjenveybaylis

  5. nuggy

    the blocks wont stop pedophiles they will stop they just make it a lot harder to aces blogs like this because the word is used.

  6. nuggy

    anyone who used Google to commit any crime would soon be caught they track everything you do.

    so i cant really see what the fuss is about using Google like that will very soon have there collars felt.

    and very much doubt that a a serious pedophile wouldn’t know that..

  7. gw

    I can’t say I agree with the conclusion of this article. It would be great if such a warning page could be implemented but if that was feasible why not block it straight away? I don’t think it can be done.

    What I think can be done is more support for victims (obviously) but also people such as the chap in the article. Despite the horrible nature of it all I think there is still room for compassion – and yes even forgiveness.

    I don’t think we will stop CSA or paedophilia with shaming. I think it can be reduced with education, investment and rehabilitation. just my 2p.

    • putting me in prison stopped me from stealing, however the hardcore pedo is such a monster that he feels he is doing nothing wrong that even the child is coming onto them, even if a child showed overt sexuality it is your moral duty to not engage, this guy should now better as he is a parent, how would he feel if his children were subjected to abuse and then exploited on the net, i,m sorry but i think this article is trying once again to make the perps the victims, remember there is already a lot of help for these sick people to treat and rehabilitate if they want to but yet victims have to fight tooth and nail for average treatment, and you have to remember that it is a life sentence i know this as i am a victim and even after 20 i still find it incredibly hard to trust, if you don’t have trust then your ability to form meaningful relationships is screwed, you have to see it that way because these people take great pleasure in knowing just that.
      Paul Cahalan is a pedophile apologist, nobody needs to agree with me as it is just an opinion, and i would not have come to that if he had had the balls to print my story but as it was so embarrassing for the south wales police force he would not, so he wont stand up for victims but is willing to peddle this apologist crap.

  8. nuggy

    well word filters certainly would do

  9. Sonophos

    Strangely filters may stop people reading this blog.

  10. funny, the thing that stops me doing that is a moral compass and a little word called integrity, if you don’t want to be called a pedo then the best way is not to be one, funny that this Paul Cahalan would write this up as he would not print my story about how when the police caught and charged and imprisoned the man who abused me, but as i was not able to talk about my experience the police went on to tell my parents and carers(ss) that i had not been abused and that i was in a homosexual relationship with him and that i have the documentation and a recording of a very desperate police officer trying to justify that action by saying that the police could not have said that(then why was it recorded as such).
    I think this guy is a pedo protector, thats my opinion.

  11. nuggy

    how do they know how many people are doing it i mean how many yopu would have to know who wjo they were and where thry were doing it.

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