Andy Coulson And Rebekah Brooks

…are pictured here giving evidence before the Home Affairs Select Committee back in July 2011.



Filed under News, Politics

9 responses to “Andy Coulson And Rebekah Brooks

  1. I SEE ALL

    David Cameron has a brother called Alex who is a prominent QC. If I wanted to keep an embarrassing affair out of the paper I’d be very tempted to involve him.

  2. Stan

    The Brooks/Coulson angle is a smoke screen put out by old fatty Tory bum licker Guido Fawkes yesterday. The real couple are Samcam and Boris the spider.

    • Mudplugger

      Boris is too obvious. How about Sam Cam and Nigel Farage ? Now that would put the pussy amongst the homing-birds.

  3. Oh Bob, I wish you wouldn’t move around all the blogs telling people to read spiveys piece on this. It is nothing more than a rant.

  4. chrisb

    Coulson played the role of knight in shining armour riding to a maiden’s defence in 2003, when Rebekah showed that neither knowledge of the law nor intellectual sharpness were amongst the qualities that had elevated her to the position of editing a national paper.

  5. Gojam i think you should check out Chris spivey latest blog on who the couple might be…lots more info and odd histories of ppl in the frame.

    • The Profumo Affair was not damaging simply because John Profumo, minister for war, was having an affair with Christine Keeler but because she was simultaneously having an affair with an alleged Russian spy.

      Nothing To See Here.

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