GLO is Launched.

Behind the scenes The Needle’s master craftsman Daedalus has been working on an interactive  and user friendly resource for Operation Greenlight.

Today we can announce the launch of what The Needle’s team have christened GLO.

Operation Greenlight is compiling as many sourced cases of child abuse in children’s institutions across the UK as we can. To date, with your help, we have catalogued over 270 such institutions.

Child abusers fall into two very broad categories. The opportunist child abuser and the predatory child abuser.

The predatory child abusers will seek out opportunities to sexually abuse children. They will seek employment in occupations which give them access to children. Members of the Paedophile Information Exchange an organisation which enabled child abusers to network legally for 10 years between 1974 and 1984, and illegally since 1984 in underground forms is an example of a club for predatory paedophiles.

By focusing exclusively on sexual abuse that took place in children’s institutions, Operation Greenlight hopes to focus in on these predatory child abusers and reveal the bigger picture of child abuse in the UK over the last five decades.

Operation Greenlight is open source, there is no copyright. You have helped us create this resource and you are free to use it.

We hope that you will continue to help us, as it is our aim to make this as comprehensive as we can.

Please visit GLO and see it for yourself at Operation Greenlight

Thank you,

The Needle Team.


Filed under Abuse, Fairbank, Fernbridge, News, Pallial, Politics, Yewtree

8 responses to “GLO is Launched.

  1. richard cockerill

    Looking at Stephen Messham’s twitter account. The last entry is on December 14th 2012. Hi I am staring to think we might get some justice at last….. Then silence,,,,,,,,

  2. lynnie

    Amazing site. Everyone has so much to be proud of.

  3. dogman

    Well done to all involved. Lets hope it starts a crack in the dam!

  4. jubei

    thank you n thanks again – crucial work

  5. chilternsman

    Absolutely superb work. All those involved have every reason to be proud of themselves.

  6. BarrieJ

    Thank you for your work that will provide a resource that shames a nation for it’s lack of.