Frant Court Children’s Home, East Sussex

Frant Court Children’s Home, East Sussex

Former care worker jailed for East Sussex home abuse

James Cruickshank Boyes, pictured in 2002
Boyes went on the run for eight years but was caught after a Crimewatch appeal

A former care worker who sexually abused girls at a children’s home in the 1980s has been jailed for 20 years.

James Cruickshank Boyes, of Monkton, Kent, was sentenced for two counts of rape and 13 indecent assaults on teenage girls at Frant Court Children’s Home, in East Sussex.

The 56-year-old, who had pleaded guilty to all charges, will also be on the sex offenders’ register for life.

He was described as a “monster” at Brighton Crown Court.

Judge Paul Tain said: “I can’t imagine a case of this type where the impact on the victims could be any greater.

“It’s inconceivable that anyone could see a greater abuse of trust in the real world than that you have engaged in.”

One of the 14 to 17-year-olds Boyes abused twice attempted suicide, while another is now in a mental hospital, the court heard.

As a key worker at the Frant home, which closed 10 years ago, Boyes was assigned girls to look after. Many were already victims of sexual abuse.

He was arrested in April 2002 but absconded from a court hearing the following July. Police did not catch up with him until last September after the case appeared on Crimewatch.

Boyes pleaded guilty to the charges when he appeared at Lewes Crown Court on 30 March this year.

Det Sgt Julie Dow, of Sussex Police, said: “His victims were at the time of the offences in a care system where they should have been expected to be protected, but Boyes used their vulnerability to take advantage of them.”

BBC News 05/05/11

“Below is a list of the cases we were investigating just before our closure under John Major’s administration:”

•Frant Court.  Girls rape and violence allegations for years.

12 responses to “Frant Court Children’s Home, East Sussex

  1. Stephanie

    Sending my love to the girls of frant xx

  2. Sadie Mills

    Omg I went to this children’s home brings back memories did any of you know a girl called Sadie

  3. Jane

    So i have finally come to terms with what happened and how it has etched every step of my life from the age of 15, incredible considering im nearly 50. I was no where near as unfortunate as some of these girls in his care. I couldnt say anything cos i loved my mum who was his colleague. She died not knowing what was happening to me…or maybe she did, i dont know. I didnt want her to know because i felt ashame and wanted to protect him cos i loved him…how mad is that?? Any way thanks to you Jimmy i will never allow my kids the same risk. Thank you and fuck you

  4. Alison

    I was also I frant court while all this was going on.i was also raped by a Male member of staff..I did report it to the police I wrote statements and went out with them go show them where he took me. I do not think he was prosecuted although there was definitely enough evidence. Even proof that he was harassing me to get me to drop the charges.

  5. john steed

    Melina Tickner Died of septicaemia 24th July 2015 RSCH brighton, she had been a class A drug user for years, she maintained the principle reason for this was the abuse she suffered as a teenager

  6. melina tickner

    hi my name is melina tickner, jimmy, as i came to know him upon my arrival at frant crt c.h.e. was introduced to me as my very own one on one keyworker, this meant i could go to him for anything. cutting a long one short, he,d groomed me for two whole years. i trusted him implicitley, with my life even, in fact later on i did try to end it . i figured i had a a sign in the shape of a tattoo, sayin nonces welcome. when i left frant crt things got worse for me,before i carry on i feel i ought to tell you why i was forcefully taken from my mum dad sister brother and removed from my own home, my mum unwittingley asked the s.s for some advice, as i was refusing to adhere to anyone in any kind of athority. including step dad no; 1. social services arranged a meeting at our home the very next day, there were 2 s,sworkers that came in one female the other one just my personal opinion you understand. ifelt the guy was realy an hemaphoradite. as it looked like a man, however spoke with a womans very high pitched voice and would often slip up by accidentaly using mannerisems only a woman use, so in the meeting the ss produced a legal binding document, that enabled to take me away there and then. the reason, apparantly i was showing classic text book symptoms of sexual abuse/out of parental control either of these things was enough at that time to remove me.lets jump 2yrs and j,c,boyce has done such excellent work with me. i would have done anything he asked, he was the only one person in my entire world that i could, would, and did trust. i shant go into much detail, but for those of you who may not have known, j.c.boyce was at that time a blackbelt in martial arts. he would put his hands on me in a way that if i refused to do what he wanted he would apply pressure to the back of my neck with just afew fingers. this caused me excrutiating pain. i was dazed and confused for days and days, however in the end i came to the decision that i ought to tell trevor. he,s the guy in charge of the home. but hey did i expect anything than less to get done. Twenty years is not enogh of aprison sentance for what this man did to me the consquance of what he did to me are still makeing my life unberable in fact I do not know if I wil ever recover!

    • shazzia

      Melina, you don’t know me but i was also in Frant Court for over two years and i knew J.C. Boyes and Jimmy but i just wanted to let you know that i was the one who reported Frant Court and the members of staff to Scotland Yard and got them investigating the place & people which then lead to it being closed down. One RSPCC who i was speaking to at the time said to me that i have prevented a lot of children in the future getting abused by these people but my mind was always’s on the one’s that had already been abused and i couldn’t think further than that but to hear some girls stories of who have lived there and left and how good they are doing now make’s what i done worthwhile.
      I hope the future gets better for you and i know it’s hard but the more you think of him the more power you give him over you. Think of yourself as a better person who is getting on with their lives and not in prison like him.
      Good luck.

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