Ashdown House, East Sussex

Ashdown House, East Sussex

Operation Mitre

“Reports of this kind are always taken seriously, no matter how long ago the offending is said to have occurred.”

He encouraged anyone with information relevant to the enquiry, or abuse victims during that period who have yet to come forward, to contact police quoting Operation Mitre.

DI O’Brien stressed there were no current safeguarding issues at the school in relation to the enquiry.

A 69-year-old man from Barcombe, near Lewes, was arrested on July 9 on suspicion of sexual assaults and child neglect. He is on bail until November 11.

Contact police by emailing or calling 101, quoting Operation Mitre.

The Argus 09/09/14

Second arrest in Boris prep school abuse inquiry

A second man has been questioned by police investigating historical sex abuse allegations at a prep school attended by London Mayor Boris Johnson.

Police said a 64-year-old was arrested in Brighton on suspicion of indecent assault and gross indecency and bailed.

Detectives began investigating abuse claims at Ashdown House Preparatory School in Forest Row, East Sussex dating back to the 1970s in January.

The school’s former headmaster Clive Williams, 69, was arrested in July.

BBC News 09/09/14


Former pupils at one of the country’s leading prep schools have come forward to say they were physically and sexually abused by at least two teachers, writes Paul Cahalan.

Ashdown House, in East Sussex, boasts such prominent alumni as Boris Johnson and Homeland actor Damian Lewis.

It is understood neither Johnson nor Lewis is among those claiming they were abused, but both attended the school between 1970 and 1980, the period in which the abuse is alleged to have occurred.

Daily Mail 21/12/13

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