St Edmund’s Orphanage

St Edmund’s Orphanage in Bebington, Wirral, Merseyside.

Michael John Carroll abused children at St Edmund’s Orphanage in Bebington, between 1964 and 1978, and Highland Road Children’s Home in Lambeth between 1980 and 1982.

The Lambeth home came under Operation Middleton.

Ex-orphanage worker admits string of sex offences

A FORMER care home manager has admitted sexually abusing 12 boys at homes in Wirral and South London.

Hotel owner Michael John Carroll pleaded guilty to 35 charges between November 1964 and June 1982 involving boys aged eight to 15.

The offences, involving indecent assault and indecency with a child, also include buggery of three boys, the youngest aged eight, and attempted buggery of three other boys.

Nine of the victims were resident at the Wirral home and the final three at a home in Lambeth.

A further 41 charges, involving these 12 victims and two further complainants – a boy and a girl – are to be laid on the file. Carroll, who owns the Hand Hotel in Chirk, North Wales, denied these charges.

Mr Timothy Holroyde, QC, prosecuting, said the guilty pleas were acceptable to the Crown and were specimens of a course of conduct by Carroll at St Edmund’s Orphanage in Bebington, between 1964 and 1978, and Highland Road Children’s Home in Lambeth between 1980 and 1982.

Balding Carroll, aged 50, of Plascerrig, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, leaned on the rail of the dock at Liverpool Crown Court on Monday, checking the indictment before entering his pleas.

Allegations of gross indecency and indecent assault on a 23-year-old employee of the Chirk Hotel which Carroll denies, were also to be laid on the file, said Mr Holroyde.

But the Crown wanted time to consider their position in relation to charges of alleged rape against two young girls, which Carroll has denied, he said.

Carroll was arrested as part of Merseyside Police’s wide-ranging investigation into institutionalised child abuse code-named Operation Care.

Carroll worked at St Edmund’s until 1978 before taking up work as deputy officer in charge at Highland Road Children’s Home.

Carroll’s counsel, Mr Neil Flewill, said that Carroll knew there was no other form of sentence than custody.

Carroll was further remanded in custody for the preparation of reports and sentence on Friday, July 30.

Wirral Globe 08/07/99

Care worker had paedophile record

A SOCIAL worker who carried out dozens of sex attacks was allowed to keep his job as the head of a children’s home, despite the fact that local authority officials knew he had been convicted of a paedophile offence.

The decision by Lambeth Council in south London not to dismiss Michael Carroll after learning about his indecent assault on a 12-year-old boy emerged yesterday as he pleaded guilty at Liverpool Crown Court to 35 charges of child sex abuse over 20 years.

The council found out about Carroll’s conviction in l986 when he was running a children’s home in the borough, and issued him with a written warning. He was dismissed five years later after an investigation into financial irregularities.

Heather Rabbatts, Lambeth’s chief executive, admitted last night that the decision not to sack Carroll was a “serious error” which would not happen under today’s regulations. “Knowing what we know today about the nature of these offences and the nature of those who commit them, it was a mistake not to have dismissed this man. However, different legislation applied at that time and Carroll was allowed to continue in his post,” she said.

Ms Rabbatts, who was not in charge while Carroll was employed, said restrictions imposed by police and social services inquiries into alleged child abuses meant no further details about his actions as a council employee could be disclosed.

Scotland Yard has amassed a database of 14,500 names of children in the borough’s care between l974 and l995. Lambeth closed all its homes for children in care in l995 in response to concern about abuse.

Yesterday, Carroll, 50, of Oswestry, Shropshire, pleaded guilty to 24 indecent assaults, five cases of buggery and five of attempted buggery, and one act of gross indecency against 12 boys. All the offences took place while he was working in residential care in Merseyside and London between l966-86.

Carroll was originally charged with 76 offences. The Recorder let the remaining indictments lie on file. Sentencing will take place on 30 July.

Carroll, who was born in Liverpool and grew up in care, studied child care and obtained qualifications at Liverpool and Salford universities and the Mabel Fletcher College, Liverpool. He got a job at St Edmund’s Orphanage in Bebington, Merseyside, in the mid-Sixties and in 1978 became deputy officer at a children’s home in Lambeth, taking charge in 1980.

He was convicted of indecent assault against a 12-year-old in l966 when he was at St Edmund’s Orphanage. He failed to declare this conviction when he took up the post in Lambeth, but it came to light in l986 through police checks when he applied to foster two children from another borough.

Following a written warning, Carroll continued in his post until his dismissal over allegations of financial malpractice in l991. He moved to Chirk, Clwyd, and bought a hotel business. In l997 he came under suspicion during a major investigation into child abuse launched by Merseyside Police. He was arrested shortly afterwards.

The Independent 06/07/99

Social worker admits child abuse BBC 05/07/99

65 responses to “St Edmund’s Orphanage

  1. Catherine Pope

    Does anyone remember Samuel Clark please

  2. david hulse

    i was there for a long time . i rember a lot of you people . very hazy days tho i lived in the bottom flat at first with sister marther then sister hillary .

  3. veronica Walsh

    Hi i worked at St Edmunds childrens home from 1962-1984. First with the girls on St Michael’s flat with Sr Margaret until 1966 with Sr Magdalen but she got moved after a few months. Sr Louise replaced her but eventually i ended up taking full controll of the kitchen & made a lot of changes regarding food menu i loved my job but sadly it was’nt to last, my name was Veronica

    • Tex Marshall

      Hello Veronica I remember you.
      My name was Tex I lived there 1975 til 1984, i was in Our Ladys flat with Sr Denise, Sr Winifred & Sr Elizabeth. I hope you’re well.

  4. Anthony Garnett

    anyone remember me anthony garnett 1954-56 1961-63 peter derkin does and we had contact a few years ago. i also worked with sister magdalane in kitchen . i was working on a farm with another lad from st eds danny kinealy we had to stay at st. eddies until canon mchugh got us both digs. i recognise many names here. also bernard starky who was quite deaf who when older became a pro. basketball player. great guy. john lennon {not that john lennon} sister martha had hands like sides of ham, when she hit u round the head you saw stars. sisters patricia, joseph, aloysious {mother superor} finbar and othrs were lovely.. i have some happy memories from those days. i was there when it was dorms and later when it was flats george birmingham, the list goes on. lovely to read all these memories after all these years. i,m 76 now survived lung cancer twice but hey still here. btw. met ray noon years later in manchester in a gay bar of all places. we were friends til i moved away down south unfortunately lost toucch with him. love to hear from anyone who rembers me. i was an altar boy there as well.

  5. Peter Middleton

    Does anyone remember a Bernard Mannion there from 1939 as a baby until 1949 when fostered by Norah Murphy from Bootle. He was the older brother of Cyril Mannion remembered above but did not know it. Any memories would be welcome as we were together 43 years and he did not like to talk about his past.

  6. Ann Lynch

    No Audrey was my mums friend who worked in the kitchen with Audrey, They stayed good friends for years after. My Mum was Joan Mort went on and Married Leo Lynch . As you say its the past now but it was only i was in them flats last week and remembered it that’s why i looked it up, Take care Pete and thanks for the reply

  7. Peter Durkin

    Thanks for getting in touch Jimmy, tried looking you up on face book but their are a few with the same name. Give me a clue !

    • Ann Lynch

      Hi Peter Audrey was my mums friend for years they worked together at the orphanage. My mum was Joan Mort who married Leo Lynch who was in the home for some years with his siblings, Fred Lynch was my uncle who was there also. I remember us as kids had to go the home for tea with the nuns so eerie, I remember sister Martha and Magdalene. Sadly Mum and passed away last year and Audrey some years before, She has a daughter who is a nurse in Arrowe Park. I was on a night shift last night and had to visit someone in flats in Bebington which are built on the orphanages ground that’s what prompted me look up information

      • Peter Durkin

        Hi Ann, I remember sister Martha, in charge of the laundry, once threw a knife at me for refusing to set the table. Sister Magdalene was in charge of the kitchen, we got on extremely well. I used to help out in the kitchen in the evening just to get the leftover desserts. Sorry for your loss, was that Audrey Jowett ?. I was there from the late fifties to 1960. A very good friend of Raymond Noone’s, we had some really good times; but that was before the scandal broke…Drove passed it several years ago; Didn’t miss it, an episode in my life i would rather bury in the past. After i left in made a brief visit and took Audrey to the pictures. Good luck for the future

  8. mark spencer

    hi, I’m mark, David spencer’s son. The Spencer family were there in the 1960s. It was David, Kevin, Christine and Angela. My dad remembers being there with John and Dermot Walsh, John Roberts, Joe McCann and he remembers being in sister Joesph’s flat. If anyone remembers any of the family, it’s David Spencer on Facebook, or email me on to pass on any messages or pictures from back then to pass on.
    thanks, Mark.

    • Veronica Walsh

      Hi Mark i worked at St Eds from 1962 -84 & i used to look after your dad, Kevin & their 2 sisters Christine & Angela

      • John Walsh

        Hi Veronica, hope you remember the Walsh family? Dermot, Collette and Lorraine and me, John are all doing well. Trust you are too? X

        • Hiya my name is Christine Johnson I remember Collette & Lorriane I’m almost 53yrs old I’ll actually be next Friday 18th June how is Collette I used to hang around with her we went everywhere together I was Nick Johnson’s little sister there was John & Sylvia too.

        • Hiya my name is Christine Johnson I remember Collette & Lorriane I’m almost 53yrs old I’ll actually be next Friday 18th June how is Collette I used to hang around with her we went everywhere together I was Nick Johnson’s little sister there was John & Sylvia too.

          • John Walsh

            Hi Christine, Collette and Lorraine are both fine thanks and I’ll mention that you were asking after them. I remember your family and I’m sure they will too. Happy Birthday for the 18th, will you celebrate with a fried egg? I’m sure Veronica cooked plenty of those for the birthday boys and girls – such a treat! :-)

  9. Terry Marshall

    Oh my God some of the names bring it all back – Veronica Elsie making the food in the kitchen- I was in Our Ladys flat – Sister Denise then Sister Elizabeth looked after me. Some of the other nuns Sister Ester Sister Pauline. Some of the kids names i remember- Billy & Mike Westbrook, Mark Morris, Paul “Benny” Garside, Jane & Chris Peers ( sadly Jane has passed). I was there between 1975 & 1982 with my brother Paul Marshall my name was Tex.

  10. leona brown

    does anybody remember stephen and paul anglesey and their sister susan at st Edmunds

  11. peter durkin

    Does anyone remember the Whiteside twins John and Joe, always fighting with each other but if you intervened they would turn on you. I think John went on to be a butler on the Prenton park estate

  12. john kevin roberts


    • peter durkin

      Hi John. Different era, i am referring to 1958 to 1960. A sister Veronica ran the kitchen and had an assistant called Audry Jowett

      • Jimmy Nolan

        Remember Audrey yes she was OK and the whiteside brothers just about Remember you Peter I was there 1952.1962 Jimmy Nolan get in touch on Facebook if you want.

      • Christine Jowett

        Hi Peter my mum was Audrey Jowett x

        • Peter Durkin

          Hi Christine. I remember your Mother very well, we got on really well. I remember her burning her hand on one of the aga hot plates, damaged nerves, i think it was the left one. She was full of fun and a good laugh. She has a place in my heart and i mourn her passing.
          Thanks for getting in touch and take care
          Yours sincerely; Peter

  13. peter durkin

    Hello Veronica. Were you a sister that used to run the kitchen, i remembered a sister Veronica. When i topped up the anthracite in the evenings i was always rewarded with the left over rice pudding

  14. RK

    I believe my Granddad may have lived here, according to a census in 1939. He would have been 13 then, Henry Wilkinson. Does anyone know of him or where he moved to after that? Thanks

  15. veronica

    Hi Christine i worked at St Edmunds for many years in the kitchen i remember you & Sylvia & your 2 brothers

    • john kevin roberts

      Hi,Veronica. I remember you from the kitchen while I was there with my brother David Roberts.. Be nice to hear from you, John Robertts

      • Veronica Walsh

        Hi Mark i worked at St Eds from 1962 -84 & i used to look after your dad, Kevin & their 2 sisters Christine & Angela

        • Tex Marshall

          Ah Veronica hope you’re well – the amount of children you looked after and fed – wow – must be hundreds so being one of them – THANKYOU xx
          I was in Our Lady’s Flat 1975 til it closed. I was with Sister Denise, Sr Winifred & Sr Elizabeth. My name was Tex.

    • Hi Veronica I remember margy rafferty her son James too. We used to call ELSIE the other cook Fag ash lill as she was always smoking she wore loads of makeup & false eyelashes & stunk of alcohol x how are you doing Veronica I never thought I’d get a reply thank you for replying do you still hear from them?

  16. I’m traumatised for life thanks to st Edmunds I was beaten sexual abused I’m nearly 52years old now I’m damaged goods I was abused by on a daily basis never talked about it I was there after I was taken away from Nazareth house Hoxton. I lived there till they escorted me back at 1983 where I was abused further by my dad. For many more yrs after

  17. I’m traumatised for life thanks to st Edmunds I was beaten sexual abused I’m nearly 52years old now I’m damaged goods I was abused by on a daily basis never talked about it I was there after I was taken away from Nazareth house Hoxton. I lived there till they escorted me back at 1983 where I was abused further by my dad. For many more yrs after

  18. John Walsh

    Hi Rachel, I know your dad and even visited him a few times after leaving St Edmunds, he was living on New Chester Road then on the Levers estate.
    We had mutual friends and George was always a good fella in my mind, I hope he’s well.
    I can drop you my email if you wish to chat about anything in particular though my memory is a bit shot.
    Best wishes John

    • John Roberts

      Hi,John Walsh. Is this the John Walsh who had a brother Dermot Walsh?

      • John

        Hi John, yes it is. There were four of us Dermot, Collette and Lorraine and we’re all in good health, older and wiser, trust you and Dave are good too.
        It’d be good to catch up but I’ve come off fb for the time being as it was driving me nuts so drop me an email if you wish or Instagram Scaffman62. I look forward to hearing from you John..

      • Rachel Helen Manning

        Hi john, yes that’s my dad, he has since moved from new Chester rd, he married Fran moloney, she was a house mother I think around the same time, my aunt may have been too, they divorced but still great friends after 40 odd yrs, I do recall both talking about you,and dermot rings a bell too I’m trying to locate info about his time at st eddys, found out a lot recently, dad is rubbish with technology but you can always email me at !!

  19. Rachel manning

    I’m trying to do some research on behalf of my dad who was at st Edmund’s from approx 1958……his name is george manning
    Would be very grateful !

    • john roberts


    • peter durkin

      Hello Rachel, I knew your father, we were there at the same time. He was slightly younger than me. I remember him as a very quiet lad

  20. Graham Cooke

    Canon McHugh used to come to our house- we lived on the Ford Estate in Bidston and basically used to beat us up- all in the name of fun- but flippin’eck it hurt !!!

  21. Steven

    Hi Peter, Raymond Noone worked as a music teacher at St Marks High School in Disdbury, Manchester. They say everyone has a teacher who inspired them. For me it was Raymond Noone. Not only a very good teacher, he also struck me as a very decent man who was always impeccably dressed and was always very kind to me even though I has no musical talent at all. Good pianist but a terrible violin player.
    Don’t know how long he worked at the school, I was there in the late 70’s so do not know what happened to him after this time.

    • Peter Durkin

      He studied the piano from an early age, Sister Mary who was also in charge of the chapel taught him. She also taught me how to be an altar boy and latin. I will try contacting the school but I doubt that they will divulge any information as to his whereabouts. Thanks again for taking the time and the information
      Regards; Peter

  22. Michael Lomax

    I remember a Michael Lynch I the went to St. John’s old school from 1945 to 1951 then on to st ANSELMS Birkenhead. Other names I remember were Cyril mannion and Johnny morrissey I used to visit the orphanage regularly

    • Peter Durkin

      Michael was the eldest of three brothers; Patrick was the middle one and Paddy was the youngest. The nuns used to use Michael and Patrick as “heavies” when they couldn’t control someone

    • Tony Morrissey

      I am tony Morrissey brother of Joseph Morrissey,not Johnny,i remembercyril mannion only by the name,i was at st edmonds from 1942 untill 1952 I do remember sister Martha a big lady and very cruel,

      • Christina morrissey

        Hi tony, my dad is bill morrissey your youngest brother, we have been looking into his past lately, he has good memories about you and joe, and has always thought of all his brothers and sisters, we would love to get in touch ?

      • Christina morrissey

        Hi tony, my dad is bill morrissey your youngest brother, we have been looking into his past lately, he has good memories about you and joe, and has always thought of all his brothers and sisters, we would love to get in touch ?

      • Victoria Clark


        My father Samuel Clark was at St. Edmunds. Do you remember him? I have been looking for any information.

        Thanks, Victoria

  23. Peter Durkin

    I wonder if I know you, do you remember Raymond Noone ?

  24. Peter Durkin

    I was there when Cannon McHugh was in charge along with the Sisters of Charity in 1956. Nothing of that nature was going on then…

    • John

      I, along with my brother and sisters had to visit Canon McHugh weekly for many years, traveling from St Edmunds orphanage by No 64 bus to where he lived in Prenton to go through the homework set for us and I can tell you he was invariably violent towards the children who made that journey. Some say he meant well and was misunderstood but nonetheless a terrifying figure who non of us has ever forgotten.

      • Peter Durkin

        Hi John. I also had to make that trip along with others on a Saturday morning and I can state with fact that nothing of that nature ever happened. He was stern but fair. Let him R.I.P

  25. David schofield

    I was there when john Carroll was doing it I saw him

    • Jay

      my father has just divulged that he was abused when at St Edmund in 1938 -1940
      By the sisters of mercy and the priest. only spoke about it after all the news on TV re the footballers stories . he is now 84.


      • Peter Durkin

        Yes their were some violent sisters (I recall sister Martha, in charge of the laundry) threw a knife at me and on another occasion killed my chickens but mainly they got the senior boys to deal out the punishment ( Michael and Patrick) they went to St Elmo’s, I cannot remember their surname but they had a much younger brother, he was called Paddy. I seem to recall that their surname was Lynch. The majority of the sisters were very good and kind

    • Peter Durkin

      I remember when John Carroll was a boy there, I fought with him on my first day going to St. John’s

    • john kevin roberts


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